AISC – Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences
The Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences aims at promoting research and empirical approaches within the purview of cognitive sciences in Italy. Cognitive sciences entail an interdisciplinary approach to the study of behavior and the mind which acknowledges the “added value” of overcoming the boundaries of single disciplines concerned with behavior and human cognitive abilities. To this end, the Association seeks to compare and bring together approaches , methods, theoretical frameworks and empirical data from different research domains.
20th AISC'24 - Rome
September 18-20, 2024
The 20th AISC Conference will take place at Villa Mirafiori, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, and will focus on the impact of recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) on the human mind. With the large-scale deployment of AI-powered applications in the near future, the intertwining between human minds and technological artifacts becomes increasingly deep, intricate and difficult to explain. We welcome presentations discussing current advancements and ongoing research, as well as presentations fostering interdisciplinary dialogue among the diverse subfields of cognitive science.
The submission extended deadline is May 19, 2024.
Premio Maria Miceli
A partire dal 2022, la Fondazione Marica De Vincenzi ha istituito il premio “Maria Miceli”, a cadenza annuale e del valore di 1000 euro, aperto a tutti i contributi presentati al convegno annuale dell’Associazione Italiana di Scienze Cognitive (AISC) da soci AISC, dedicati alle tematiche che hanno caratterizzato l’attività di ricerca di Maria, a cui il premio è intitolato: psicologia delle emozioni, interazione sociale, anticipazione, valori.
Premio giovane ricercatrice/ricercatore AISC 2024, in onore di Orazio Miglino
Al fine di promuovere l’attività e la ricerca delle giovani ricercatrici e dei giovani ricercatori della comunità italiana delle scienze cognitive, l’AISC istituisce il “Premio giovane ricercatrice/ricercatore AISC”. Il Premio giovane ricercatrice/ricercatore AISC 2024 viene intitolato a Orazio Miglino, Presidente dell’AISC dal 2011 al 2013. Le candidature dovranno essere inviate da una socia o da un socio AISC entro il 31 luglio 2024.
The Association
Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences
The Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences aims at promoting research and empirical approaches within the purview of cognitive sciences in Italy. Cognitive sciences entail an interdisciplinary approach to the study of behavior and the mind which acknowledges the “added value” of overcoming the boundaries of single disciplines concerned with behavior and human cognitive abilities. To this end, the Association seeks to compare and bring together approaches , methods, theoretical frameworks and empirical data from different research domains. Owing to their interdisciplinary approach, cognitive sciences draw upon psychology, linguistics, social sciences, neurosciences, biological sciences, information technology, artificial intelligence, mathematics, physics and philosophy. They also build a relationship between the study of cognitive and behavioral capabilities in humans and in their societies, and the replication of these behaviors and capabilities in artificial systems, with a view to better understanding natural and social phenomena, as well as creating innovative technologies. The Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences pursuits its aims at organizing annual scientific conferences on general themes as well as workshops and meetings on specific themes and training activities. It also establishes contacts with other initiatives and activities in the field/s of cognitive sciences in Italy and beyond.
Validità del Regolamento
Il presente regolamento integra le norme statutarie e ne regola l’applicazione. Esso viene approvato dal Consiglio Direttivo e deve essere ratificato dall’Assemblea Generale. Può essere modificato seguendo la medesima procedura.
Sede dell’AISC
Il domicilio legale dell’AISC è stabilito dal Consiglio Direttivo.
Gestione del Patrimonio
Il Consiglio Direttivo è tenuto a predisporre il rendiconto annuale sotto forma di bilancio consuntivo dell’attività dell’Associazione nell’anno solare precedente, almeno trenta giorni prima dell’Assemblea Ordinaria dell’Associazione, e con anticipo tale da consentire che sul rendiconto possa esprimersi il Collegio dei Revisori dei Conti. Il parere del Collegio dei Revisori è parte integrante della relazione sul bilancio sottoposta all’Assemblea. Il Consiglio Direttivo è altresì tenuto a predisporre il bilancio preventivo, da sottoporre all’Assemblea.
Soci (ammissione)
Per i soci individuali di cui all’Art. 7, comma a.2 dello Statuto e per i soci collettivi di cui all’Art.7, comma b, l’ammissione alla associazione è condizionata al parere del Consiglio Direttivo ed alla ratifica da parte dell’Assemblea Ordinaria.
Per i soci individuali, la domanda di ammissione dovrà essere corredata da un breve curriculum e da un eventuale elenco di titoli e pubblicazioni. La firma in calce alla domanda ha valore di autocertificazione. Per i soci collettivi, la domanda dovrà essere corredata da una breve descrizione dell’attività dell’ente candidato nell’ambito delle Scienze Cognitive. Il Consiglio Direttivo può, in ambo i casi, richiedere un supplemento di documentazione.
Il Consiglio Direttivo è tenuto ad esprimere il proprio parere nella seduta successiva al ricevimento della domanda. Il Presidente cura che il parere venga trasmesso all’Assemblea Ordinaria nella seduta immediatamente successiva. In caso di mancata ratifica del parere (positivo o negativo) da parte dell’Assemblea, è compito del Consiglio Direttivo effettuare un supplemento di indagine e riproporre il parere all’Assemblea. La domanda, con relativo parere, non può essere sottoposta all’Assemblea più di due volte. In caso di mancata ratifica, prevale la decisione dell’Assemblea.
Il Presidente provvede a comunicare all’interessato l’esito del voto di ratifica dell’Assemblea
Soci (diritti e doveri)
I soci ordinari e i soci onorari possono partecipare, con diritto di voto, alle riunioni dell’Assemblea dell’AISC.
I soci collettivi e i soci benemeriti partecipano all’Assemblea tramite un loro rappresentante, nominato dall’Ente all’atto del ricevimento dell’accettazione della domanda di ammissione. La nomina deve essere comunicata al Consiglio Direttivo. Il rappresentante rimane in carica fino alla sua sostituzione da parte dell’Ente, anch’essa comunicata al Consiglio Direttivo, o fino al decadimento dell’Ente dalla qualifica di socio.
I rappresentanti di cui al comma precedente partecipano al solo elettorato attivo.
I soci sono tenuti a versare le quote associative entro il mese di giugno dell’anno solare cui la quota si riferisce, con l’eccezione dei soci che vengono ammessi dopo tale data, per i quali il pagamento deve essere effettuato entro un mese dalla data di ricevimento dell’accettazione della domanda. Nel caso in cui il pagamento non venga effettuato entro i termini, il Tesoriere è tenuto ad inviare un sollecito ai soci morosi. Nel caso in cui non vi sia riscontro entro il termine dell’anno solare, il Consiglio Direttivo può, nella prima riunione dell’anno solare successivo, deliberare la decadenza del socio per morosità.
Soci (dimissioni e radiazione)
I soci possono dimettersi, notificando la propria decisione al Presidente dell’AISC tramite lettera raccomandata. Il Presidente rende le dimissioni immediatamente esecutive e ne dà comunicazione al Consiglio Direttivo e all’Assemblea nelle prime riunioni successive. Le dimissioni non comportano alcuna restituzione, parziale o totale, delle quote o dei contributi versati.
La decadenza di un socio per radiazione è deliberata dal Consiglio Direttivo su proposta firmata da almeno due membri del Consiglio stesso e inviata al Presidente. La proposta viene messa ai voti nella prima riunione del Consiglio Direttivo successiva al ricevimento della proposta da parte del Presidente. La radiazione viene deliberata con la maggioranza qualificata dei 2/3 dei membri del Consiglio e viene resa nota all’interessato, che può opporsi, produrre eventuale documentazione a sostegno del suo diritto di appartenenza all’Associazione, ed, in caso di conferma della delibera di radiazione, può appellarsi al giudizio dell’Assemblea. Il Presidente, ricevuta la domanda di appello, la sottoporrà all’Assemblea immediatamente successiva l ricevimento della domanda; l’Assemblea potrà confermare l’eventuale radiazione con la maggioranza assoluta dei presenti.
L’Assemblea Ordinaria dei Soci è convocata in via ordinaria dal Presidente almeno una volta all’anno, d’intesa con il Consiglio Direttivo. L’Assemblea può essere convocata in via straordinaria dal Presidente d’intesa con il Consiglio Direttivo o da almeno un quinto dei Soci aventi diritto al voto. (Statuto, Art.12). La convocazione, corredata dall’Ordine del Giorno, può essere effettuata sia per posta ordinaria che per posta elettronica e deve essere inviata ai soci almeno 30 giorni prima della data della riunione.
L’Assemblea è presieduta dal Presidente dell’Associazione e, in caso di indisponibilità, dal Vice-presidente.
L’Assemblea (compresa quella Straordinaria) è validamente costituita in prima convocazione con la presenza di almeno la metà più uno dei Soci e, in seconda convocazione, qualunque sia il numero degli intervenuti aventi diritto a partecipare all’Assemblea. L’Assemblea ordinaria delibera a maggioranza relativa dei voti espressi, mentre quella straordinaria delibera a maggioranza assoluta (Statuto, Art.12). <7p>
Le votazioni dell’Assemblea Ordinaria avvengono a maggioranza qualificata dei 2/3 dei partecipanti nel caso di: <7p>
§ Approvazione e modifiche dello Statuto Le votazioni dell’Assemblea Ordinaria avvengono a maggioranza assoluta nei seguenti casi:
Approvazione e modifiche del Regolamento Radiazione di un socio
Elezioni alle cariche sociali
Le elezioni del Consiglio Direttivo e del Collegio dei Revisori dei Conti si svolgono nel corso di un’Assemblea Ordinaria, con l’eccezione del caso in cui la composizione di un organo scenda (per cessazione di alcuni suoi membri) sotto il numero minimo consentito. In quest’ultimo caso, è compito del Presidente convocare un’Assemblea Straordinaria per il reintegro degli organi (si veda, il presente articolo 8, comma g).
a) Sede delle elezioni e votazione per posta o per via telematica
Le elezioni del Consiglio Direttivo e del Collegio dei Revisori dei Conti si svolgono di norma nel corso di un’Assemblea Ordinaria, oppure a mezzo posta o per via telematica. I membri del Seggio Elettorale (un Presidente e due Scrutatori) vengono eletti dal consiglio direttivo.
Nel caso di votazione postale, ad ogni Socio avente diritto di voto verrà recapitata una scheda su cui votare e l’indicazione del tempo utile per la votazione. Le schede di voto devono essere restituite al Segretario dell’AISC, che le conserva senza aprirle fino al giorno di chiusura delle votazioni, in cui le consegna ai membri del Seggio Elettorale.
Nel caso di votazione per via telematica, il consiglio direttivo individua un idoneo sito, esterno all’associazione, che garantisca la sicurezza e segretezza della votazione; i componenti del seggio elettorale svolgeranno le opportune operazioni di controllo delle liste degli aventi diritto al voto, inserimento dei dati, controllo e diffusione dei risultati. -
b) Validità delle elezioni
Tutte le elezioni si svolgono a scrutinio segreto. L’elezione del Consiglio Direttivo e del Collegio dei Revisori dei conti è valida qualora i voti validi siano almeno i due terzi del numero dei partecipanti alla votazione. - c) Candidature
Per l’elezione del Consiglio Direttivo, qualunque socio può proporre delle candidature, o al Consiglio Direttivo, che ha l’obbligo di comunicarle ai soci, eventualmente per posta elettronica, entro 15 giorni dal ricevimento della candidatura, o direttamente nel corso dell’Assemblea in cui si svolgono le elezioni. Ciascun socio può comunque esprimere liberamente i suoi voti, senza vincolarsi alle candidature espresse. - d) Modalità delle elezioni (Consiglio Direttivo)
Ciascun socio partecipante alle votazioni può votare, per l’elezione al Consiglio Direttivo, fino ad un massimo di 4 nominativi. Vengono eletti gli 8 soci che hanno ricevuto il maggior numero di voti. In caso di parità di voti per gli eletti all’ultimo posto, viene eletto colui che ricopre la qualifica di socio dal maggior numero di anni. Nel caso di pari anzianità di associazione risulta eletto il socio più anziano di età. - e) Modalità delle elezioni (Collegio dei Revisori dei Conti)
Ciascun socio partecipante alle votazioni può votare, per l’elezione al Collegio dei Revisori dei Conti, fino ad un massimo di 2 nominativi. Vengono eletti i 3 soci che hanno ricevuto il maggior numero di voti, mentre i due soci che seguono, nell’ordine, vengono nominati supplenti nel Collegio dei Revisori. In caso di parità, si applicano le norme esposte al precedente comma d. - f) Cooptazioni nel Consiglio Direttivo
Il Consiglio Direttivo eletto deve, nella sua prima riunione, cooptare 3 membri, in modo da ottenere la composizione di 11 membri prevista dallo Statuto. La proposta di cooptazione viene comunicata da almeno due membri del Consiglio eletto al Presidente. Nel caso di un numero di proposte superiore a tre, ogni partecipante alla riunione del Consiglio può esprimere due preferenze, e vengono cooptati i soci aventi maggior numero di voti. In caso di parità, si applicano le norme esposte al comma d. La cooptazione dei membri viene ratificata nella prima Assemblea successiva. - g) Numero minimo di membri
Se un socio eletto nel Consiglio Direttivo o nel Collegio dei Revisori dei Conti decade dalla qualifica di socio, subentra automaticamente il primo non eletto nelle rispettive liste. Una volta esaurite le liste dei non eletti, le cariche restano scoperte. Tuttavia, se il Consiglio Direttivo scende sotto il numero di sei, o il collegio dei Revisori dei Conti, compresi i supplenti, scende sotto il numero di tre, il Presidente dell’AISC deve convocare entro un mese un’Assemblea Straordinaria, che rinnoverà le cariche secondo le modalità esposte nel presente articolo. - h) Incompatibilità
La carica di membro del Consiglio Direttivo è incompatibile con quella di membro del Collegio dei Revisori dei Conti. Un socio eventualmente eletto in entrambe le cariche dovrà optare per una di esse. Nella carica non prescelta subentra automaticamente il primo non eletto della relativa lista. - i) Membri aggiunti
Il Consiglio Direttivo può deliberare la nomina di membri aggiunti, che integrino la composizione del Consiglio, con funzione consultiva e senza diritto di voto. I membri aggiunti vengono nominati per un mandato di 18 mesi a partire dalla nomina. Non vi è un numero massimo di membri aggiunti. Le candidature vengono presentate al Presidente da almeno due membri del Consiglio Direttivo. Le proposte vengono votate dal Consiglio Direttivo; risultano nominati come membri aggiunti i candidati che abbiano conseguito la maggioranza assoluta dei voti dei consiglieri presenti. La nomina dei membri aggiunti viene ratificata nella prima Assemblea successiva.
Consiglio Direttivo
Il Consiglio Direttivo è in carica per tre anni dal momento dell’insediamento. Ciascun consigliere è eleggibile per non più di due mandati consecutivi (Statuto, Art.14). E’ compito del Presidente dell’AISC convocare, entro tre mesi dall’Assemblea in cui sono state effettuate le votazioni, il Consiglio Direttivo nella nuova composizione. In tale prima riunione, il Consiglio entrante provvederà ad eleggere il Presidente, il Vicepresidente, un Segretario e un Tesoriere.
Le delibere del Consiglio Direttivo sono valide quando sia presente la maggioranza assoluta dei suoi componenti, che può essere raggiunta sommando ai presenti le giustificazioni scritte degli assenti, i quali pero’ non hanno facoltà di rilasciare deleghe per le votazioni (Statuto, Art.14). Le elezioni delle cariche sociali avvengono a maggioranza assoluta dei presenti.
Le riunioni del Consiglio sono presiedute dal Presidente o, in caso di suo impedimento, dal Vicepresidente.
Collegio dei Revisori dei Conti
Il Collegio dei Revisori dei Conti è presieduto dal Revisore che sia stato eletto col maggior numero dei voti. A parità di voti da quello più anziano di età, salvo non sia diversamente stabilito dal Collegio stesso.
Gruppi di interesse
L’attività dell’Associazione può, in parte, svolgersi attraverso Gruppi di Interesse specialistici. I Gruppi di Interesse hanno il compito di promuovere la collaborazione tra i membri dell’Associazione interessati a sviluppare la conoscenza e la ricerca in aree specifiche delle Scienze Cognitive.
I Gruppi di Interesse vengono costituiti dal Consiglio Direttivo su propria iniziativa o su istanza motivata da almeno 8 soci. I Gruppi di Interesse hanno durata illimitata, salvo scioglimento da parte del Consiglio Direttivo (v. ultimo comma del presente articolo).
I Gruppi di Interesse non hanno autonomia finanziaria.
Possono far parte di un Gruppo di Interesse tutti i soci che ne inviino richiesta scritta al Presidente dell’AISC. I soci Collettivi possono nominare un proprio rappresentante in ciascun Gruppo di Interesse.
Ogni Gruppo di Interesse ha un Coordinatore, che è nominato dal Consiglio Direttivo, su proposta dei membri del Gruppo. Il Coordinatore dura in carica due anni, salvo dimissioni o revoca motivata da parte del Consiglio Direttivo. Il Coordinatore è tenuto, una volta all’anno, ad inviare una relazione al Consiglio Direttivo in cui si descrive l’attività svolta dal Gruppo nell’anno precedente. Il Coordinatore non può durare in carica per più di 4 anni (due mandati). E’ compito del Coordinatore, alla scadenza del mandato biennale, raccogliere indicazioni dai membri in merito al Coordinatore per il biennio successivo e trasmettere tali indicazioni al Consiglio Direttivo.
Un Gruppo di Interesse può essere sciolto dal Consiglio Direttivo quando l’attività del Gruppo stesso non sia ritenuta adeguata ai fini istituzionali dell’AISC, o quando il Gruppo sia stato di fatto inattivo per un anno.
Gruppi di lavoro
L’attività dell’Associazione può essere svolta col supporto di Gruppi di Lavoro. Essi vengono costituiti con un obiettivo e un piano di attività predefiniti.
I Gruppi di Lavoro vengono istituiti dal Consiglio Direttivo, su proposta motivata di almeno 3 soci, dei Gruppi di Lavoro. Alla proposta deve essere allegato il piano di attività e una descrizione degli obiettivi previsti. La durata di un Gruppo di Lavoro è definita in base al suo piano di attività ed il Gruppo si considera automaticamente sciolto al termine dell’attività prevista.
I Gruppi di Lavoro non hanno autonomia finanziaria.
Ogni Gruppo di Lavoro ha un Responsabile, che è nominato dal Consiglio Direttivo, su proposta dei membri che hanno richiesto l’attivazione del Gruppo. Il Responsabile dura in carica per tutta la durata dell’attività prevista, salvo dimissioni. In caso di dimissioni, è compito dei membri del gruppo indicare al Consiglio Direttivo un Responsabile per la parte restante dell’attività del Gruppo. Il Responsabile è tenuto, una volta all’anno, ad inviare una relazione al Consiglio Direttivo in cui si descrive lo stato di avanzamento dell’attività.
Fanno parte di un Gruppo di Lavoro i soci che ne hanno proposto l’attivazione. Un socio può richiedere di far parte di un Gruppo di Lavoro attivo. Tale richiesta deve essere approvata, a maggioranza, dai membri del Gruppo. In tal caso, è compito del Responsabile comunicare al Presidente dell’AISC il nominativo del nuovo membro.
Un Gruppo di Lavoro può essere sciolto dal Consiglio Direttivo quando quest’ultimo valuti che l’attività del Gruppo stesso non sia adeguata per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi previsti.
Advisory Board
E’ facoltà del Consiglio Direttivo nominare un advisory board, che raccolga le personalità più rappresentative e di prestigio delle varie aree presenti nell’Associazione. L’appartenenza all’advisory board non è limitata ai soci dell’AISC, ed è di durata illimitata. Non vi è un numero massimo di componenti dell’advisory board. Le candidature vengono presentate al Presidente da almeno due membri del Consiglio Direttivo. Le proposte vengono votate dal Consiglio Direttivo; risultano nominati nell’advisory board i candidati che abbiano conseguito la maggioranza assoluta dei voti dei consiglieri presenti. La nomina dei membri della advisory board viene ratificata nella prima Assemblea successiva.
Lo scioglimento dell’Associazione può essere proposto da almeno un quarto dei Soci aventi diritto al voto (Statuto, Art. 16). La richiesta di scioglimento deve essere inviata al Presidente tramite lettera raccomandata e controfirmata da tutti i proponenti. E’ compito del Presidente convocare, entro due mesi, un’apposita Assemblea Straordinaria che deliberi sulla proposta.
L’Assemblea è valida se ad essa partecipano almeno la metà (di persona o per delega) degli aventi diritto e la delibera di scioglimento è presa con la maggioranza qualificata dei due terzi dei partecipanti. Nel computo del numero legale, nel caso di Assemblea Straordinaria che includa nel proprio Ordine del Giorno lo scioglimento dell’Associazione, non vengono prese in considerazione eventuali giustificazioni.
Per quanto non previsto nel presente regolamento si fa riferimento alle norme di legge in materia.
- Gustavo Cevolani (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca) – President
- Giulia Andrighetto (ISTC-CNR, Rome) – Vice-president
- Marco Fasoli (University of Rome La Sapienza) – Administrator
- Stefania Pighin (University of Trento) – Treasurer
- Tatiana Celandin (University of Bologna)
- Fausto Caruana (CNR, Parma)
- Edoardo Datteri (University of Milano-Bicocca)
- Arianna Pavone (University of Pisa)
- Pietro Perconti (University of Messina)
- Alessio Plebe (University of Messina)
- Luca Tummolini (ISTC-CNR, Rome)

Gustavo Cevolani
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
I am an Associate Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, where I teach philosophy of science, critical thinking, and neuroethics to PhD students from different disciplines (including cognitive and social neuroscience, behavioral economics, computer science, and Artificial Intelligence). My main research interests are in general philosophy of science, formal epistemology, and cognitive science, with a focus on rational decisions, expert reasoning, and scientific progress. I publish regularly on such topics in both philosophical and interdisciplinary journals.

Giulia Andrighetto
Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC), National Research Council (CNR)
Giulia Andrighetto received her PhD in Philosophy from Sapienza University of Rome, in 2007. She is a researcher at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC), CNR, and co-director of the Laboratory of Agent-Based Social Simulation (LABSS). She is interested in explaining the dynamics of social norms, how to promote their obedience and what strategies to foster social change. She combines laboratory and simulation experiments to test theoretical predictions and build empirically-grounded models of social norms. She is the author of more than 80 publications in international journals and peer-reviewed conference proceedings (Social Forces, Social Psychology Quarterly, Synthese, Complexity, JASSS, among others). She is currently the PI of the 5 years Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation grant Norm Change (2017-2022), aimed to investigate how harmful social norms can be changed.

Marco Fasoli
University of Rome La Sapienza
Marco Fasoli is a fixed-term researcher (RTDA) in the Philosophy Department of University of Rome La Sapienza. His research areas are the philosophy of technology and the philosophy of cognitive sciences. In recent years he has focused on ontological and moral issues surrounding cognitive artifacts, also investigating the impact of digital technologies on personal well-being. He was awarded with the first prize of the Vittorio Girotto Best AISC Paper (2018) of the Italian Association of Cognitive Science.

Stefania Pighin
University of Trento
I am currently an Assistant Professor (rtdA) at the Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CIMeC) of the University of Trento. I graduated in Psychology at the University of Trieste and completed my PhD in Cognitive Science and Education at the University of Trento. I worked as a Research Fellow at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique of the University of Toulouse (France) and at the University IUAV of Venice. My research interests include fundamental and applied aspects of judgment and decision making, probabilistic reasoning, counterfactual thinking and mental simulation.

Tatiana Celandin
University of Bologna
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Economics at the University of Bologna. My research interest belongs to Experimental and Behavioral Economics. I conduct field and online research to study the psychological determinants of economic behavior. In particular, I investigate topics such as cooperation, altruism, moral decision-making, misinformation and the development of children’s preferences.

Fausto Caruana
CNR Parma
Fausto Caruana is Senior Researcher at the Institute of Neuroscience of the National Research Council of Italy (IN-CNR), in Parma. He is specialized in behavioral neuroscience and he authored more than 60 papers on the neural and psychological mechanisms of emotions, empathy, mirror neurons and motor cognition. His research is conducted using a multidisciplinary approach, mainly centered on intracranial recordings and electrical stimulations in human and non-human primates. Beside his interests in behavioral neuroscience, he is pursuing theoretical research on the relationship between neuroscience other disciplines, including humanities and ethology. He has been awarded with national awards and he has given invited talks at prestigious national and international institutes and meetings, on both neuroscientific and philosophical topics. He is author of “Habits. Pragmatist Approaches from Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, and Social Theory” (2020, with I. Testa, CUP), “Come Funzionano Le Emozioni. Da Darwin Alle Neuroscienze” (2018, with M. Viola, Il Mulino), “Il Cervello In Azione” (2016, with A. Borghi, Il Mulino) and “Il Cervello Empatico. Dalla Teoria della Mente al Meccanismo Mirror” (2019, Hachette).

Edoardo Datteri
University of Milano-Bicocca
I am Full Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science, and director of the Laboratory of Robotics for the Cognitive and Social Sciences (Milano-Bicocca). I got a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Pisa and, from 2001 to 2005, carried out epistemological research at the (now called) Biorobotics Institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, under the supervision of Paolo Dario and Cecilia Laschi. My research interests concern the epistemic roles played by robots qua models of individual and social behaviour, and the validity of robot- based experimental methodologies in cognitive science. See two recent and representative articles published in Biological Cybernetics and Synthese.

Arianna Pavone
University of Pisa
Dr. Arianna Pavone is Research Fellow in Computer Science at the University of Pisa, Italy. Her background is philosophy, cognitive science and computer science. In 2021 she earns cum laude a PhD in Cognitive Science at Department of Cognitive Science, University of Messina, under the guidance of Prof. Alessio Plebe. In 2017 she earns a Laurea in Cognitive Science, at University of Messina. Her bachelor's degree was earned in 2015 at the University of Catania, in Humanities. Now her work explores questions located at the intersection of philosophy, technoscience and culture, and her research interests include cognitive science, computation and artificial intelligence.

Pietro Perconti
University of Messina
My main current research interests include social cognition, consciousness, and the social role of cognitive science. In the past, my research areas also cover history of Western philosophy, in particular German classical age. I am the author of over 100 publications, including eight books, in Italian, English, French, and German. The books in Italian are published by leading Italian publishers, such as Mondadori, Laterza and il Mulino. The first book is Kantian Linguistics: Theories of mental representation and the linguistic transformation of Kantism (Nodus, Munster, Germany): it provides a seminal perspective on Kant’s account on language. The latter, The future of Artificial Mind (with A. Plebe) (CRC, Taylor and Francis, 2022), is an updated picture of what artificial intelligence is becoming nowadays in the light of the new perspective of deep learning. My first papers were published in the main scientific journals devoted to the history of language ideas. More recent ones have been published in high-ranking journals, such as Cognition, Plos One, and Frontiers of Psychology. I am currently the Dean of the Department of Cognitive science, psychological, education, and cultural studies (COSPECS), former Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of Teaching and Education, Director of Master of Cognitive Science, and Member of the Boards of Directors at the University of Messina. I also serve as an expert for the new and periodic accreditation of Universities and their programs for the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR). I am used to having international relations with universities around the world, including the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour at the Radboud University in Nijmegen (The Netherlands), the Freie Universität of Berlin, and the University of Arizona at Tucson.

Alessio Plebe
University of Messina
Alessio Plebe earned a degree in Electronic Engineering in 1981 from the University of Rome, and obtained a PhD degree in Philosophy of Language at the University of Palermo in 2004. He is currently Associate Professor (SSD M-FIL02) at the Department of Cognitive Science of the University of Messina. His main research field is neural computation, its epistemology, and its explanatory power for several cognitive functions. In the field of vision process, he developed realistic neural models of complex pattern responses in visual area V2, and models of object recognition. In the field of language process, he developed several models of phenomena during early language acquisition, like shape bias, vocabulary sprut, and the difficulty to learn adjectives compared to nouns. He investigated with neural models the acquisition of color terms, and the related debate of language relativism. He developed the first neurocomputational model of moral behaviour.

Luca Tummolini
I am Senior Researcher at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (CNR) and at the Institute for Future Studies in Sweden. I study social interaction and the cognitive mechanisms that enable humans to flexibly coordinate. Adopting an embodied approach to cognition, I am also interested in how interaction grounds the mental representation of abstract categories. These two strands converge on the study of ownership of property, from how ownership is mentally represented to how norms regulating conflicts around resources arise and persist. In my work I develop formal models (computational modelling, game theory) and use experimental methods spanning from cognitive psychology to experimental economics and sociology. I have published in psychology, philosophy, computer science, and sociology (e.g. Nature Communications, Synthese, Psychological Bulletin, Social Psychology Quarterly, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Socius).

Antonella Tramacere
University of Bologna
She carries out her research in the fields of philosophy of biology, psychology and neuroscience. She has paid particular attention to theories on the role of neural mechanisms of action in the development and evolution of consciousness and social cognition. In collaboration with the Center for Knowledge and Cognition, she carries out an interdisciplinary research project regarding the role of narratives and mimicry in self-perception. Author of several scientific and philosophical publications, carried out thanks to collaboration with international research institutes, such as the Max Planck for the Sciences of Human History in Leipzig (Germany), the Center for Mind and Cognition of the University of Bochum (Germany), the RIKEN Symbolic Communication Laboratory in Tokyo (Japan) and the Department of Philosophy and Religion of the University of Mississippi (USA).
This year the new Board of Directors of AISC (2022-2025) will be elected: as mandated by the AISC Statute and Governing Rules, each member up to date with payments for 2023 can propose herself/himself as candidate, and each member up to date with payments for 2023 at the time of the electronic vote (November 30, 2022) will have the right to vote.
To facilitate widespread circulation of information about candidates, the members of the Electoral Committee ask everyone that wishes to propose herself/himself as candidate to send to the AISC President, Cristina Amoretti (, by October 29, 2022, the following information (in English, to guarantee full information also to non-Italian voters):
- Name and surname
- Passport-size photo (JPG or GIF)
- Affiliation
- Link to personal webpage
- Condensed CV (100 words or less)
- Aims and vision as a candidate member of AISC Board of Directors (300 words or less)
Election instructions will be emailed to all registered to AISC 2022.
Listed below are, in alphabetical order, the candidates to the new Board of Directors of AISC (2022-2025)
- Giulia Andrighetto
Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC), National Research Council (CNR) - Gustavo Cevolani
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca - Edoardo Datteri
Department of Human Sciences for Education, RobotiCSS Lab, University of Milano-Bicocca - Marco Fasoli
Università di Roma La Sapienza - Francesco Ferretti
Roma Tre University, Department of Philosophy, Communication, and Performing Arts - Arianna Maria Pavone
Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa, Italy - Stefania Pighin
Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CIMeC), University of Trento - Pietro Perconti
Department of Cognitive Science, University of Messina - Alessio Plebe
Department of Cognitive Science, University of Messina - Luca Tummolini
Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC), National Research Council (CNR)
Governing Board 2020-2022
- President: Cristina Amoretti (University of Genoa)
- Vice-President: Antonio Lieto (University of Turin)
- Treasurer: Francesco Bianchini (University of Bologna)
- Administrator: Giulia Andrighetto (ISTC-CNR, Rome)
- Filippo Domaneschi (University of Genoa)
- Marco Viola (University of Turin)
- Vincenzo Crupi (University of Turin)
- Francesco Gagliardi (Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences, Rome)
- Francesco Ferretti (Roma Tre University)
- Stefania Pighin (University of Trento)
- Alessio Plebe (University of Messina)
- Stefania Moretti (University of Genoa)
- Elisabetta Lalumera (University of Bologna) - Account Auditor
Governing Board 2017-2019
- President: Fabio Paglieri (ISTC-CNR, Rome)
- Vice-President: Antonio Lieto (University of Turin)
- Treasurer: Francesco Bianchini (University of Bologna)
- Administrator: Filippo Domaneschi (University of Genoa)
- Gabriella Airenti (University of Turin)
- Cristina Amoretti (University of Genoa)
- Marco Cruciani (University of Trento)
- Vincenzo Crupi (University of Turin)
- Francesco Gagliardi (Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences, Rome)
- Mattia Gallotti (School of Advanced Study, University of London)
- Pietro Perconti (University of Messina)
- Marco Elio Tabacchi (University of Palermo)
- Giulia Andrighetto (ISTC-CNR, Rome) – Auditor
Governing Board 2014-2016
- President: Gabriella Airenti (University di Turin)
- Vice-President: Marco Cruciani (University of Trento)
- Treasurer: Federico Cecconi (ISTC-CNR, Rome)
- Administrator: Fabio Paglieri (ISTC-CNR, Rome)
- Mario De Caro (University of Roma Tre)
- Rino Falcone (ISTC-CNR, Rome)
- Pietro Perconti (University of Messina)
- Alessio Plebe (University of Messina)
- Marco Elio Tabacchi (University of Palermo)
- Maurizio Tirassa (University of Turin)
- Giorgio Vallortigara (University of Trento)
Governing Board 2011-2013
- President: Orazio Miglino (University of Naples “Federico II”)
- Vice-President: Alberto Greco (University of Genoa)
- Administrator: Nicola Lettieri (University of Sannio)
- Treasurer: Federico Cecconi (ISTC-CNR, Rome)
- Bruno Bara (University of Turin)
- Cesare Bianchi
- Rosaria Conte (ISTC – CNR, Rome)
- Marco Cruciani (University of Trento)
- Roberto Cubelli (University of Trento)
- Francesco Gagliardi (Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences)
- Marcello Frixione (University of Genoa)
- Alessio Plebe (University of Messina)
Governing Board 2007-2010
- President: Rosaria Conte (ISTC – CNR, Rome)
- Vice-President: Alberto Greco (University of Genoa)
- Treasurer: Pietro Terna (University of Turin)
- Administrator: Francesca Giardini (University of Groningen)
- Marcello Frixione (University of Genoa)
- Roberto Cordeschi (University of “La Sapienza” – Rome)
- Maurizio Cardaci (University of Palermo)
- Giovanni Pezzulo (ISTC – CNR, Rome)
- Anna Maria Borghi (Università degli Studi “La Sapienza”, Rome)
- Giuseppe Tratteur (University of Naples – “Federico II”)
Governing Board 2004-2006
- President: Domenico Parisi (ISTC – CNR, Rome)
- Vice-President: Vittorio Gallese (University of Parma)
- Treasurer: Orazio Miglino (University of Naples “Federico II”)
- Administrator: Salvatore Rizzello (University of Piemonte Orientale)
- Sebastiano Bagnara (Politecnico – Milan)
- Alfonso Caramazza (Harvard University)
- Cristiano Castelfranchi (ISTC-CNR)
- Roberto Cordeschi (University of “La Sapienza” – Rome)
- Paolo Legrenzi (University Ca’ Foscari – Venice)
- Leonardo Lesmo (University of Turin)
- Giuseppe Tratteur (University of Naples – “Federico II”)
Founding Members:
- Domenico Parisi (ISTC – CNR, Rome)
- Alessandro Laudanna (University of Salerno)
- Cristiano Castelfranchi (ISTC – CNR, Rome)
Treasurer: Stefania Pighin (
Subcription to the AISC association can be done through bank transfer using the following bank details:
Account holder: Associazione Italiana di Scienze Cognitive (Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences)
Bank: BPER
account ID number: 163-1648762
IBAN code: IT64M0538703202000001648762
Reason: “Iscrizione AISC anno XXXX, nome e cognome” (Eng. “Registration for AISC year XXX, first name and last name)
AISC membership is valid for one full calendar year, from January 1 to December 31 of the year you register and pay the annual fee.
The registration fee for becoming an AISC member varies based on the individual's academic position.
For individual membership, the fees are the following:
Position | Fee € |
Participants holding a non-tenured academic position (e.g., PhD students, Post-doc, Fixed-term researcher, Rtd-A Researcher) | 60 |
Participants holding a non-tenured academic position (e.g., PhD students, Post-doc, Fixed-term researcher, Rtd-A Researcher) Including the annual subscription to the journal “Sistemi Intelligenti” | 95 |
Participants holding a tenured-track or a permanent academic position (e.g., Rtt, Rtd-B Researcher, Full Professor, Associate Professor, Researcher, Senior Researcher, Research Director) Annual subscription to the journal “Sistemi Intelligenti” already included | 150 |
AISC membership grants access to all AISC events throughout the 12-month duration.
Upon registration, please send a notification to Stefania Pighin ( including your personal email address, the payment receipt, and the physical address where you wish to receive the issues of the journal “Sistemi Intelligenti”.
For collective membership (Departments, Institutions, Associations, etc.), the fees are the following:
Fee € | Number of members |
700 | 5 |
816 | 6 |
924 | 7 |
1.024 | 8 |
1.116 | 9 |
1.200 | 10 |
For any questions or clarifications, please feel free to email Stefania Pighin (
Nelle conferenze AISC, gli inviti dei keynote speakers devono tenere conto rigidamente di un criterio di equilibrio di genere. Il numero totale degli invited speaker dovrebbe idealmente prevedere almeno il 50% di donne e comunque non ne deve prevedere mai meno del 30%.
La selezione degli abstract della conferenza annuale deve essere il risultato di un processo di blind peer-review che coinvolga un comitato scientifico costituito da studiosi e studiose di riconosciuto livello nel contesto accademico nazionale e internazionale.
Il tema della conferenza annuale, la selezione degli abstract e l’eventuale organizzazione di simposia devono andare incontro alla molteplicità di interessi disciplinari e tematici de* soci* AISC.
Si invitano gli/le organizzatori/trici della conferenza annuale a favorire l’internazionalizzazione, garantendo almeno un/una invited speaker straniero/a e favorendo la diffusione del CfP anche su canali extra nazionali.
Il convegno annuale AISC non deve prevedere alcuna fee, ma per partecipare occorre essere regolarmente iscritti all’associazione (tenendo conto che l’iscrizione è valida dal 1 novembre al 31 ottobre dell’anno successivo).
In generale, le lingue ufficiali delle conferenze AISC sono l’italiano e l’inglese. Si invitano però gli/le organizzatori/trici a incoraggiare l’utilizzo della lingua inglese per incentivare l’internazionalizzazione dell’associazione.
Il periodo di svolgimento della conferenza annuale è concordato dagli/dalle organizzatori/trici con i membri del Consiglio Direttivo dell’Associazione. Idealmente, la conferenza annuale si svolge nel mese di dicembre.
Prima a di diffondere il CfP, gli/le organizzatori/trici di conferenze AISC sono tenuti a condividere con i membri del direttivo sia i nomi degli invited speakers individuati sia il testo del call for papers.
Gli/le organizzatori/trici, durante lo svolgimento delle conferenze AISC, hanno il compito di raccogliere le registrazioni all’Associazione da parte de* nuov* soc*. Al termine della conferenza, sarà compito degli/delle organizzatori/trici comunciare al/alla Segretario/a e al/alla Presidente dell’Associazione l’elenco dei nuovi iscritti AISC, comprensivo di: Nome, Cognome, Indirizzo Internet, Indirizzo Postale, Totale Quota Associativa versata.
Gli/le organizzatrici di conferenze AISC possono creare autonomamente una pagina web della conferenza o, in alternativa, possono utilizzare un’apposita pagina sul sito dell’Associazione. È tuttavia necessario configurare una pagina web della conferenza ove vengano indicati i contatti degli organizzatori.
La partecipazione di enti, società, relatori o relatrici o aziende esterne all’accademica nelle conferenze AISC è soggetta all’approvazione del Consiglio Direttivo dell’associazione.
L’AISC contribuisce in parte all’organizzazione dei convegni annuali; gli/le organizzatori/trici devono preventivamente condividere una bozza di budget di spesa con il Consiglio Direttivo in cui sia indicato l’ammontare indicativo del contributo AISC.
AISC 2024
20th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences
Roma, Italy, September 18-20, 2024
Conference website:
Submission link:
Hybrid Minds: Brain, Behavior and Society in the Age of AI
The 20th AISC Conference will focus on the impact of recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) on the human mind. With the large-scale deployment of AI-powered applications in the near future, the intertwining between human minds and technological artifacts becomes increasingly deep, intricate and difficult to explain. Moreover, social interactions are increasingly mediated by AI with unforeseen effects for societal dynamics. The conference Hybrid Minds seeks to explore the multifaceted nature of this complex relationship in a truly interdisciplinary perspective. How are cognitive processes affected when people use these new technologies? How do they differ (if they do) from traditional processes? What societal and ethical repercussions does the advent of new technologies bring? How is human language implicated in these processes? We welcome presentations discussing current advancements and ongoing research, as well as presentations fostering interdisciplinary dialogue among the diverse subfields of cognitive science.
Keynote speakers
- Rafael A. Calvo (Imperial College London)
- Douglas Guilbeault (University of California, Berkeley)
- Beate Krickel (Technical University, Berlin)
- Stefano Nolfi (Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, CNR, Rome)
- Ana Tajadura-Jiménez (University Carlos III of Madrid)
- Marco Viola (Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Roma) - (AISC Young Researcher Prize 2023)
The synthetic method in the age of AI - A symposium in honor of Roberto Cordeschi
- Edoardo Datteri (University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan)
- Alessandra Sciutti (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova)
- Vieri Giuliano Santucci (Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, CNR, Rome)
The conference will take place at Villa Mirafiori, University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
Topics of interest
We accept submission in all topics related to cognitive science including (but not limited to):
4E cognition – artificial intelligence and cognition – cognitive architecture – cognitive modeling – cognitive neuroscience – cognitive psychology – cognitive robotics – computational linguistics – deep neural models – developmental science – embodied and grounded cognition – epistemology – ethics of artificial intelligence and robotics – history of cognitive science – natural and artificial consciousness – neuroethics – neurolinguistics – philosophy of biology – philosophy of cognitive science – philosophy of language – philosophy of mind – philosophy of neuroscience – philosophy of health and medicine – philosophy of technology – psycholinguistics – social cognition
We welcome presentations on the state of the art and on ongoing research, as well as presentations on perspectives that encourage interdisciplinary dialogue among the various subdisciplines of cognitive science.
We cordially invite researchers to submit papers or proposals for symposia through CMT:
(Please note that you must have a valid CMT account to enter the conference. Click here to see how to create one).
Paper submission requires a short abstract of no more than 50 words (to be directly added in the submission page) and a long one of no more than 500 words. Paper presentations are allocated 20-minute sessions.
Symposia submission requires a short description of no more than 50 words (to be directly added in the submission page) and a detailed one (to be uploaded as a pdf file) that should include:
- a description of the proposed symposium of no more than 1000 words;
- a list of the participants;
- Submission deadline:
May 5, 2024 - Extended Submission deadline: May 19, 2024
- Notification of acceptance: June 9, 2024
- Registration deadline: September 7, 2024
- Conference date: September 18-20, 2024
- Giulia Andrighetto, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, CNR, Rome
- Marco Fasoli, University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- Emiliano Ippoliti, University of Rome “La Sapienza”
- Luca Tummolini, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, CNR, Rome
- Giulia Andrighetto, ISTC-CNR, Rome
- Fausto Caruana, IN-CNR, Parma
- Tatiana Celandin, University of Bologna
- Gustavo Cevolani, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
- Edoardo Datteri, University of Milano-Bicocca
- Marco Fasoli, University of Rome La Sapienza
- Arianna Pavone, University of Palermo
- Pietro Perconti, University of Messina
- Stefania Pighin, University of Trento
- Alessio Plebe, University of Messina
- Antonella Tramacere, University of Rome “Roma Tre”
- Luca Tummolini, ISTC-CNR, Rome
Abstracts and symposia description should be in English.
Important Dates
Grants and Prizes
AISC Student Travel Grants
In 2024 three AISC Student Travel Grants (up to 250 Euros each) were established to support attendance at the Society’s conference for AISC student members. Undergraduate and graduate students can apply for travel support to attend the conference. Any student who is the presenter of a paper accepted at the conference is eligible. Awardees will be selected on the basis of submission quality as emerged from the reviewers’ scores (in case of equal judgment, the younger candidate will have precedence). After paper acceptance and decisions have been made, selected authors will be contacted by the AISC Conference Awards Chairs. Student authors who want to be considered for the grant as part of the submission process can send an email to:
Vittorio Girotto Prize, Best Paper AISC
From all abstracts accepted for the conference, the best works arec eligible for the Best Paper AISC prize, established in memory of Vittorio Girotto. Authors of selected contributions will receive an invitation to submit an extended version of their works to the journal Sistemi Intelligenti. The Editorial Board of Sistemi Intelligenti will determine the winning paper, which will be published with special mention on the journal. Additionally, the authors will receive a 300 euros book voucher from the publisher of the journal, Il Mulino. Other finalist papers will be mentioned on the journal, and it is possible they will be published there as well, if deemed of adequate scientific value by the Editorial Board.
Maria Miceli Prize
From the abstracts accepted for the conference, the best works on topics involving the psychology of emotions, social interaction, anticipation, and values are eligible for the Marica De Vincenzi Foundation's Maria Miceli Prize. The prize consists of a €1,000 award, as well as the publication of the winning work in the journal "Sistemi Intelligenti”. The prize is open to any work presented at AISC or AIP conferences that addresses the themes of Maria Miceli's research, for whom the prize is named. The AISC executive board and the conference organizing committee will select the AISC nominees, who must then submit full papers, following deadlines and formats that will be published on the AISC website.
As in previous editions, being a member of the Italian Association for Cognitive Science (AISC) is required to attend the conference and registering for the AISC 2024 conference is free for all members of AISC who are regularly regisgtered.
Those who are not registered with AISC can register by following the instructions at the following page:
Registration deadline: September, 7 2024
Program Committee
Scientific Committee
For details about the conference please visit:
For local organization please contact: and
AISC 2023
19th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences
Genoa, Italy, December 14-16, 2023
Conference website:
Submission link:
Presentation – Values and cognition
The 19th AISC Conference will focus on the relationship between values and cognition, a topic that defines a heterogenous set of problems that cuts across the various souls of cognitive science, in a truly interdisciplinary perspective. What role do values play within cognitive science research? What ethical and social repercussions do the most recent discoveries in AI, neuroscience, cognitive and comparative psychology have? What cognitive processes are involved in aesthetic and moral judgements? How is evaluative language processed? To properly address such questions, a variety of viewpoints, coming from AI, linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy, and psychology are needed. We welcome presentations on the state of the art and on ongoing research, as well as presentations on perspectives that encourage interdisciplinary dialogue among the various subdisciplines of cognitive science.
Confirmed speakers
- Fabrizio Calzavarini (Università di Torino - winner of the AISC Young Researcher Prize 2022)
- Cristiano Castelfranchi (ISTC, CNR, Roma)
- Ute Schmid (Universitaet Bamberg)
- Murray Smith (Kent University)
- Simone Sulpizio (Università di Milano-Bicocca)
- Pascale Willemsen (Universitaet Zurich)
The conference will take place at Palazzo Balbi Cattaneo, via Balbi 2, Genoa, organized by DAFIST –Department of Classics, Philosophy and History
Topics of interest
We accept submission in all topics related to cognitive science including (but not limited to):
4E cognition – artificial intelligence and cognition – cognitive architecture – cognitive modeling – cognitive neuroscience – cognitive psychology – cognitive robotics – computational linguistics – deep neural models – embodied and grounded cognition – epistemology – ethics of artificial intelligence and robotics – history of cognitive science – natural and artificial consciousness – neuroethics – neurolinguistics – philosophy of cognitive science – philosophy of language – philosophy of mind – philosophy of neuroscience – philosophy of health and medicine – psycholinguistics – social cognition.
The 19th AISC Conference will focus on the relationship between values and cognition, by considering a spectrum of issues that cuts across the various souls of cognitive science. We welcome presentations on the state of the art and on ongoing research, as well as presentations on perspectives that encourage interdisciplinary dialogue among the various subdisciplines of cognitive science.
We cordially invite researchers to submit papers or proposals for symposia through CMT
Submission link:
(Please note that you must have a valid CMT account to enter the conference. Click here to see how to create one).
- Paper submission requires a short abstract of no more than 50 words (to be directly added in the submission page) and a long one of no more than 500 words (to be uploaded as a pdf file prepared for blind review). Paper presentations are allocated 20-minute sessions.
- Symposia submission requires a short description of no more than 50 words (to be directly added in the submission page) and a detailed one (to be uploaded as a pdf file) that should include:
- a long description of the proposed symposium of no more than 1000 words;
- a list of the participants;
- the number of hours required.
Abstracts and symposia description should be written in English.
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: 1 September 2023
- Notification of acceptance: 8 October 2023
- Registration deadline: 19 November 2023
- Conference date: 14 – 16 December 2023
Grants and Prizes
AISC Student Travel Grants
In 2023 three AISC Student Travel Grants (up to 250 Euros each) were established to support attendance at the Society’s conference for AISC student members. Undergraduate and graduate students can apply for travel support to attend the conference. Any student who is the presenter of a paper accepted at the conference is eligible. Awardees will be selected on the basis of submission quality as emerged from the reviewers’ scores (in case of equal judgment, the younger candidate will have precedence). After paper acceptance and decisions have been made, selected authors will be contacted by the AISC Conference Awards Chairs. Student authors who want to be considered for the grant as part of the submission process can send an email to: and
Vittorio Girotto Prize, Best Paper AISC From all abstracts accepted for the conference, the best works are eligible for the Best Paper AISC prize, established in memory of Vittorio Girotto. Authors of selected contributions will receive an invitation to submit an extended version of their works to the journal Sistemi Intelligenti. The Editorial Board of Sistemi Intelligenti will determine the winning paper, which will be published with special mention on the journal. Additionally, the authors will receive a 300 euros book voucher from the publisher of the journal, Il Mulino. Other finalist papers will be mentioned on the journal, and it is possible they will be published there as well, if deemed of adequate scientific value by the Editorial Board.
Maria Miceli Prize From the abstracts accepted for the conference, the best works on topics involving the psychology of emotions, social interaction, anticipation, and values are eligible for the Marica De Vincenzi Foundation's Maria Miceli Prize. The prize consists of a €1,000 award, as well as the publication of the winning work in the journal "Sistemi Intelligenti”. The prize is open to any work presented at AISC or AIP conferences that addresses the themes of Maria Miceli's research, for whom the prize is named. The AISC executive board and the conference organizing committee will select the AISC nominees, who must then submit full papers, following deadlines and formats that will be published on the AISC website.
As in previous editions, being a member of the Italian Association for Cognitive Science (AISC) is required to attend the conference and registering for the AISC 2023 conference is free for all members of AISC. Those who are not registered with AISC can register by following the instructions at the following page:
Registration deadline: 26 November 2023
Program Committee
- Cristina Amoretti (chair), DAFIST, Università di Genova
- Filippo Domaneschi, DAFIST, Università di Genova
- Marcello Frixione, DAFIST, Università di Genova
- Daniele Porello (co-chair), DAFIST, Università di Genova
- Davide Serpico, Università di Trento
- Enrico Terrone, DAFIST, Università di Genova
Scientific Committee
- Giulia Andrighetto, ISTC-CNR, Rome
- Fausto Caruana, CNR, Parma
- Tatiana Celandin, University of Bologna
- Gustavo Cevolani, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
- Edoardo Datteri, University of Milano-Bicocca
- Marco Fasoli, University of Rome La Sapienza
- Arianna Pavone, University of Palermo
- Pietro Perconti, University of Messina
- Stefania Pighin, University of Trento
- Alessio Plebe, University of Messina
- Luca Tummolini, ISTC-CNR, Rome
For details about the conference please visit:
For local organization please contact:
AISC 2022
18th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences
Rovereto, Italy, December 15-17, 2022
Conference website:
Presentation – The explaining mind
The human mind dedicates significant resources to generating and evaluating explanations for a vast array of phenomena, concepts and entities — including the mind itself. The study of explanations is an interdisciplinary enterprise that brings together research from a broad range of disciplines and has profound implications for virtually all areas of human knowledge.
Part of this work consists of identifying the methods and approaches best suited to defining what makes an explanation meaningful, as well as how natural and artificial systems carry out explanatory tasks. To properly address such questions, a variety of viewpoints are needed. In this sense, cognitive science, being interdisciplinary by nature, is uniquely equipped to advance our understanding of the topic.
The 18th AISC Conference will focus on the theme of the explaining mind, by considering a spectrum of issues. We welcome presentations on the state of the art and on ongoing research, as well as presentations on perspectives that encourage dialogue among the various subdisciplines of cognitive science.
Confirmed speakers
- Ophelia Deroy (Faculty of Philosophy & Munich Center for Neuroscience, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
- Fosca Giannotti (Scuola Normale Superiore)
- Mark Keane (School of Computer Science and Informatics, University College Dublin)
- Magda Osman (Centre for Science and Policy, University of Cambridge)
The conference will take place at Palazzo Piomarta, corso Bettini 84, Rovereto (Trento), jointly organized by CIMeC – Center for Mind/Brain Sciences and Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science
Call for Abstracts
The 18th AISC Conference will focus on the theme of the explaining mind, by considering a spectrum of issues. We welcome presentations on the state of the art and on ongoing research, as well as presentations on perspectives that encourage dialogue among the various subdisciplines of cognitive science.
Topics of interest
We accept submission in all topics related to cognitive science including (but not limited to):
4E cognition – artificial intelligence and cognition – cognitive architecture – cognitive modeling – cognitive neuroscience – cognitive psychology – cognitive robotics – computational linguistics – deep neural models – embodied and grounded cognition – epistemology – ethics of artificial intelligence and robotics – history of cognitive science – natural and artificial consciousness – neuroethics – neurolinguistics – philosophy of cognitive science – philosophy of language – philosophy of mind – philosophy of neuroscience – philosophy of health and medicine – psycholinguistics – social cognition.
We cordially invite researchers to submit papers or proposals for symposia through EasyChair
Paper submission requires a short abstract of no more than 500 words.
Submissions for symposia should include:
- description of the proposed symposium with no more than 1500 words;
- list of the participants;
- number of hours required.
Paper presentations should not exceed a length of 20 minutes for a total 30 minute session.
Important Dates
- New Extended Submission deadline: 30 September 2022
- Notification of acceptance: 16 October 2022
- Registration deadline: 4 December 2022
- Conference date: 15 – 17 December 2022
As in previous editions, registering for the AISC 2022 conference is free for all members of the Italian Association for Cognitive Science (AISC). Those who are not registered with AISC for 2023 can register by following the instructions on the page Registration
To participate in the conference, please use the CIMeC Workshop Registration System
Registration deadline: 4 December 2022
Organizing Committee
- Alessandro Bogani (University of Trento)
- Vincenzo Crupi (University of Turin)
- Sara Dellantonio (University of Trento)
- Stefania Pighin (University of Trento)
- Katya Tentori (University of Trento)
Scientific Committee
- Cristina Amoretti (University of Genoa)
- Giulia Andrighetto (ISTC-CNR Rome)
- Francesco Bianchini (University of Bologna)
- Enzo Crupi (University of Turin)
- Filippo Domaneschi (University of Genoa)
- Francesco Ferretti (Università di Roma Tre)
- Francesco Gagliardi (Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences)
- Antonio Lieto (University of Turin)
- Stefania Moretti (University of Genoa)
- Stefania Pighin (University of Trento)
- Alessio Plebe (University of Messina)
Local Support Committee
- Alessia Caponio (University of Trento)
- Alessia La Micela (University of Trento)
- Sarah Placì (University of Trento)
- Benjamin Timberlake (University of Trento)
For local organization please contact:
AISC 2022 Midterm Conference
The Affective Turn in Cognitive Science
June 22-24, 2022
University of Parma
The 2022 Italian Association of Cognitive Science (AISC) midterm Conference will be held at the University of Parma on June 22-24 and will be hosted by the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries (DUSIC). In recent decades research in cognitive science has witnessed an upsurge of interest in affective phenomena such as emotions, feelings ,and moods, and the role they play in guiding cognitive, motivational, and decision-making processes. The aim of this conference is to improve our understanding of affective phenomena and of the relation between cognition and affectivity by bringing together scholars from the humanities and the natural sciences.We are interested in exploring a broad range of questions, including the following: How do affective and cognitive phenomena interact in human and nonhuman animals? How may we better understand and describe the complex relationship between affective states (emotions, moods, etc.) and cognitive states (beliefs, thoughts, etc.)? What happens when such a relationship becomes disrupted? What is the role of cognitive science in exploring affective phenomena? What is the role of interdisciplinary research and practice when it comes to devising new paradigms and professional opportunities in the field of affective science?
The conference will take place at the University of Parma, Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries, in via d’Azeglio, 85. More details on the venue and logistics will follow as the conference approaches.
Areas of interest
We accept submission in all areas of cognitive science, including (but not limited to): cognitive neuroscience; embodied and grounded cognition; 4E cognition; cognitive psychology; cognitive humanities; cognitive linguistics; neuroeconomics; neuroethics; neurolaw; neurolinguistics; behavioral economics; cognitive economics; artificial intelligence and cognition; collective behavior and collective rationality; language and cognition; psychology of reasoning; social cognition; cognitive robotics; cognitive modeling; cognition and simulation; embodied and grounded cognition; philosophy of cognitive science; philosophy of neuroscience; philosophy of mind and cognition; philosophy of language; cognitive anthropology
Confirmed invited speakers
Francesca De Petrillo / Newcastle UniversityPier Francesco Ferrari / Directeur de Recherche at the CNRS in Lyon & University of Parma
Ursula Hess / Humboldt University, Berlin
Pietro Pietrini / Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca
Andrea Scarantino / Georgia State University
Important dates
Submission deadline: March 1st, 2022 (by the end of the day CET)Conference dates: June 22-24, 2022
Paper presentations will be 30 minutes long including discussion. Abstracts should be written in English and should not exceed 500 words including references.
Symposium proposals should be no longer than 1500 words (including references). We particularly encourage symposia proposals on topics at the intersection between affective and cognitive science. Every proposal should be written in English and should include: title, names, affiliations, contact details of the organizers and speakers, and a short explanation of the symposium’s aim.
The registration fee for conference participants is- 20€ for AISC members registered for 2022 (for instructions on how to join AISC see here)
- 40€ for non-tenured scholars (e.g. Graduate students, PostDocs) who are not registered as AISC members for 2022;
- 70€ for faculties (e.g. Full, Associate, and Tenured Assistant Professors) who are not registered as AISC members for 2022.
Organizing Committee
Pia Campeggiani (University of Bologna)Fausto Caruana (Institute of Neuroscience, CNR, Parma & University of Parma) Antonio D’Aloia (University of Parma)
Valentina Petrolini (University of the Basque Country – UPV/EHU & University of Parma)
Marco Viola (University of Torino)
Local Support Committee
Arianna Pavone (web site manager, University of Messina)Martina Bacaro (registration officer)
Jean-Pierre Cretaz (registration officer)
AISC 2021
17th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences
Post-Neuroscience Times for Cognitive Science Circa 2021?
13-15 Dec 2021 Noto (Italy)
Conference website:
The relative contribution to cognitive science from its six constituent traditional disciplines (anthropology, computer science, linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy, and psychology) has never been uniform. This is, in part, due to the continous change of the constituent fields and their alternate success. Linguistics had a profound influence on cognitive science during the heyday of Noam Chomsky, and the role of computer science for cognitive science has somehow mirrored the developmental trajectory of artificial intelligence. At the turn of the twentieth century neuroscience has advanced to the point where the biological underpinnings of several complex cognitive functions are becoming scientifically tractable. The impact for cognitive science has been immense, leading even to a new mixed discipline, that of cognitive neuroscience. Neuroscientific discoveries have given ground to several of the new perspectives in cognitive science like predicitive minds, enaction, embodiment.
Today the influence of neuroscience in cognitive science is certainly not over, but it is probably no longer dominant. New trends are to be seen, notably the resurgence of artificial intelligence that, although driven by technological problems needing engineering solutions, has lead to results intriguing for cognitive science.
The 17th AISC Conference will focus on this topic, discussing the possibility of a “post-neuroscience” future for cognitive science, bringing into discussion ideas from neuroscience itself, cognitive neuroscience, artificial intelligence, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, among other relevant Cognitive Science subfields.
Topics of interest
We accept submission in all topics related to cognitive science including (but not limited to):- 4E cognition
- artificial intelligence and cognition
- cognitive architecture
- cognitive modeling
- cognitive neuroscience
- cognitive psychology
- cognitive robotics
- computational linguistics
- deep neural models
- embodied and grounded cognition
- epistemology
- ethics of artificial intelligence and robotics
- history of cognitive science
- natural and artificial consciousness
- neuroethics
- neurolinguistics
- philosophy of cognitive science
- philosophy of language
- philosophy of mind
- philosophy of neuroscience
- philosophy of health and medicine
- psycholinguistics
- social cognition
We cordially invite researchers to submit papers of proposals for symposia through EasyChair at:
Paper submission requires a short abstract of no more then 500 words.
Submissions for symposia should include:
- description of the proposed symposium with no more then 1500 words
- list of the participants
- number of hours required
Abstracts should be written in English.
Please note that the format of uploaded files should be PDF.
Paper presentations should not exceed a length of 20 minutes for a total 30 minute session.
Important dates
- Submission deadline: September 13th, 2021 September 30th, 2021 October 10th, 2021 (before midnight)
- Notification of acceptance: October 28th, 2021
Registration All information for conference registration can be found at:
Travel Grants
In 2021 three AISC Student Travel Grants (up to 250 Euros each) were established to support attendance at the Society’s conference for AISC student members.Undergraduate and graduate students can apply for travel support to attend the conference. Any student who is the presenter of a paper accepted at the conference is eligible. Awardees will be selected on the basis of submission quality as emerged from the reviewers’ scores (in case of equal judgment, the younger candidate will have precedence). Student authors can send an email to and and indicate whether they want to be considered for the grant as part of the submission process. After paper acceptance decisions have been made, selected authors will be contacted by the AISC Conference Awards Chairs.
Invited speakers
M. Beatrice Fazi School of Media, Arts and Humanities, University of Sussex
Marcin Milkowski Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences
Isidora Stojanovic Institut Jean-Nicod CNRS, PSL Research University
Kate Storrs Abteilung Allgemeine Psychologie, Justus-Liebig Universitaet
Conference venue
The conference will take place at Palazzo Carlo Giavanti, Via A. Sofia, 78, Noto (SR), Italy
Organizing Committee
Domenica Bruni (University of Messina)Marco Carapezza (University of Palermo)
Mario Graziano (University of Messina)
Alessandra Falzone (University of Messina)
Antonino Pennisi (University of Messina)
Pietro Perconti (University of Messina)
Alessio Plebe (University of Messina)
Marco Viola (University of Turin)
Scientific Committee
Cristina Amoretti (University of Genoa)Giulia Andrighetto (ISTC-CNR Rome)
Francesco Bianchini (University of Bologna)
Enzo Crupi (University of Turin)
Filippo Domaneschi (University of Genoa)
Francesco Ferretti (Università di Roma Tre)
Francesco Gagliardi (Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences)
Antonio Lieto (University of Turin)
Stefania Moretti (University of Genoa)
Stefania Pighin (Università di Trento)
Local Committee
Lucia Guerrisi (University of Messina)Gesualdo La Porta (University of Messina)
Chiara Lucifora (University of Messina)
Arianna Pavone (University of Messina)
Anna Re (University of Messina)
Assunta Penna (University of Messina)
AISC workshop 2020
Online workshop: What happened to Cognitive Science? A debate
Everybody is invited to the online workshop What happened to Cognitive Science? A debate, organized by Marco Viola together with Prof. Vincenzo Crupi on behalf of the Turin Center for Logic, Language, and Cognition together with the Italian Association of Cognitive Science.
The workshop will be held on 9 November 2020, h16.30-19.00 (Central European Standard Time).
You can join the event at the following link:
Feel free to contact for any further information.
AISC 2019
16th Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Cognitive Science
Wednesday, December 11th – Friday, December 13th, 2019
Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, via Ostiense 234
Final programme available for download in PDF
Presentation & venue
The 2019 Italian Association of Cognitive Science (AISC) annual conference will be held in Rome on December 11th-13th and will be hosted by the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Performing Arts of the University of Roma Tre. The conference will take place in the campus of the University of Roma Tre, located in via Ostiense 234, near Rome city center and 5-minute walk from the metro station Marconi (line B). The University of Roma Tre is a public university, with an excellent track record both in research and education.
Confirmed invited speakers
Elsa Addessi (ISTC-CNR Rome) Valentina Bambini (IUSS Pavia) Maria Bigoni (University of Bologna) Jean Francois Bonnefon (University of Toulouse) Simona Cabib (Sapienza University, Rome) Vincenzo Crupi (University of Turin) Agnieszka Wykowska (IIT Genoa)
Important dates
- New extended submission deadline: September 30th, 2019 (before midnight)
- Conference dates: December 11th – 13th, 2019
Authors should submit their proposals only through EasyChair:
For further information please contact
PAPERS: paper presentations will be 30 minutes long including discussion. Abstracts should be written in English and should not exceed 500 words including references. The Conference Committee reserves the right to offer poster presentations instead of full paper presentations for some of the abstracts, in light of the reviews’ considerations.SYMPOSIA: symposium proposals should be no longer than 1500 words (including references). Every proposal should include: title, names, affiliations, contact details of the organizers and speakers, and a short explanation of the symposium’s aim.
Areas of interest
We welcome submissions in all areas of cognitive science, including (but not limited to):- artificial intelligence and cognition
- behavioral economics
- cognition and simulation
- cognitive architecture
- cognitive economics
- cognitive ethology & comparative psychology
- cognitive linguistics
- cognitive modeling
- cognitive neuroscience
- cognitive ontology
- cognitive psychology
- cognitive robotics
- collective behavior and collective rationality
- complex and distributed systems
- embodied and grounded cognition
- epistemology and philosophy of science
- history of cognitive science
- language and cognition
- language representation and comprehension
- neuroanatomical foundations of behavior
- neuroeconomics
- neuroethics
- neurolinguistics
- philosophy of cognitive science
- philosophy of language
- philosophy of mind and cognition
- philosophy of neuroscience
- psychology of reasoning
- reasoning, rationality and cognition
- social cognition
Registering as members of AISC is mandatory to attend the conference, and proof of registration must be sent in advance to the conference organizers via email ( Registration fees are indicated on the AISC website (, while the conference dinner will cost 30€: when sending proof of registration to the organizers, make sure to specify clearly whether you have paid also for the conference dinner or not. Please register and notify the organizers before November 15th, 2019, and make sure to comply with the instructions provided on the AISC registration webpage – including the need to send a notification with a personal email address also to the AISC Secretary, Filippo Domaneschi (, and the payment receipt to the AISC Treasurer, Francesco Bianchini (
Organizing Committee
Fabio Paglieri (co-chair, ISTC-CNR Roma)Francesco Ferretti (co-chair, University of Roma Tre)
Ines Adornetti (University of Roma Tre)
Daniela Altavilla (University of Roma Tre)
Alessandro Ansani (University of Roma Tre / Sapienza Università di Roma)
Alessandra Chiera (University of Roma Tre)
Erica Cosentino (University of Roma Tre)
Francesca D’Errico (University of Roma Tre)
Silvia Felletti (ISTC-CNR Roma)
Marco Marini (ISTC-CNR Roma / Sapienza Università di Roma)
Viviana Masia (University of Roma Tre)
Serena Nicchiarelli (University of Roma Tre)
Isabella Poggi (University of Roma Tre)
Logistical coordination
Alessandro Acciai (University of Roma Tre)Valentina Deriu (University of Roma Tre)
Scientific Committee
Gabriella Airenti (University of Turin)Cristina Amoretti (University of Genoa)
Giulia Andrighetto (ISTC-CNR Rome)
Francesco Bianchini (University of Bologna)
Ennio Bilancini (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca)
Anna Borghi (Sapienza University / ISTC-CNR Rome)
Fabrizio Bracco (University of Genoa)
Fabrizio Calzavarini (University of Turin)
Raffaella Campaner (University of Bologna)
Fausto Caruana (University of Parma)
Cristiano Castelfranchi (ISTC-CNR Rome)
Gustavo Cevolani (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca)
Cristiano Chesi (IUSS Pavia)
Marco Cruciani (University of Trento)
Edoardo Datteri (University of Milan Bicocca)
Alexia Delfino (London School of Economics)
Sara Dellantonio (University of Trento)
Filippo Domaneschi (University of Genoa)
Mario De Caro (University of Roma Tre)
Marco Fasoli (University of Milano Bicocca)
Rino Falcone (ISTC-CNR Rome)
Marcello Frixione (University of Genoa)
Francesco Gagliardi (Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences)
Mattia Gallotti (London School of Economics)
Onofrio Gigliotta (Federico II University, Naples)
Elisabetta Lalumera (University of Milano Bicocca)
Andrea Lavazza (Centro Universitario Internazionale, Arezzo, Italy)
Antonio Lieto (
University of Turin) Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri (University of Roma Tre)
Massimo Marraffa (University of Roma Tre)
Orazio Miglino (Federico II University, Naples)
Stefania Moretti (University of Genoa)
Andrea Moro (IUSS Pavia)
Domenico Parisi (ISTC-CNR Rome)
Alfredo Paternoster (University of Bergamo)
Carlo Penco (University of Genoa)
Giovanni Pezzulo (ISTC-CNR Rome)
Giulia Piredda (IUSS Pavia)
Alessio Plebe (University of Messina)
Eugenia Polizzi di Sorrentino (ISTC-CNR Rome)
Pietro Perconti (University of Messina)
Massimo Reichlin (San Raffaele University, Milan)
Emiliano Ricciardi (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca)
Vieri Giuliano Santucci (ISTC-CNR Rome)
Sarah Songhorian (San Raffaele University, Milan)
Flaminio Squazzoni (University of Milan)
Marco Elio Tabacchi (University of Palermo)
Pietro Terna (University of Turin)
Luca Tummolini (ISTC-CNR Rome)
Riccardo Viale (University of Milano Bicocca / LUISS Rome)
Marco Viola (University of Turin)
AISC 2019 Midterm Conference
From brain to behavior: neuroscience and the social sciences
Wednesday, May 22nd– Friday, May 24th
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
The 2019 Italian Association of Cognitive Science (AISC) midterm Conference will be held in Lucca on May 22nd-24th and will be hosted by the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca. We welcome contributions from any area of cognitive science, with special emphasis on the interaction between disciplines studying the brain/mind and the social sciences (broadly understood).In recent years, the exploration of the cognitive and neurobiological foundations of rational behavior and decision-making has undergone significant changes and has raised methodological and theoretical challenges in many fields, including philosophy, psychology, economics, linguistics, computer science, and ethics. Cognitive neuroscience, behavioral economics, and other approaches like neuroeconomics and neuroethics are casting new light on traditional issues while also raising additional problems and questions.
We are interested in exploring questions such as: How can neuroscience inform research on phenomena such as social behavior, norms, and institutions? What can we learn about these phenomena from computational models? Which challenges do cognitive science raise to established theoretical frameworks, and what new paths do they open? How do cognitive and social sciences fields interact? Is there (or could there be) a common language through which the findings from one field can be made relevant to other disciplines? Are cognitive and social sciences incommensurable to some degree? Should psychology take the middle ground between brain data and social sciences, or can there be a direct ‘leap’ from brain to (economic, moral, etc.) behavior?
The conference will take place in the newly restored San Francesco Complex, located within the IMT School for Advanced Studies’ campus in Lucca. IMT is a public university and research center and one of Italy’s six Schools of Excellence, with a focus on neuroscience, (behavioral) economics and the analysis of complex systems.
Areas of interest
We accept submission in all areas of cognitive science, including (but not limited to):- cognitive neuroscience
- neuroanatomical foundations of behavior
- neuroeconomics
- behavioral economics
- cognitive economics
- reasoning, rationality and cognition
- epistemology and philosophy of science
- artificial intelligence and cognition
- neuroethics
- neurolinguistics
- collective behavior and collective rationality
- complex and distributed systemsv
- language and cognition
- language representation and comprehension
- cognitive psychology
- psychology of reasoning
- social cognition
- cognitive robotics
- cognitive architecture
- cognitive modeling
- cognition and simulation
- cognitive linguistics
- embodied and grounded cognition
- philosophy of cognitive science
- philosophy of neuroscience
- philosophy of mind and cognitionv
- philosophy of language
- cognitive ontology
- history of cognitive science
Confirmed invited speakers
Carlos Alós-Ferrer (University of Zurich)Sarah Genon (Institute of Neurosciences and Medicine, Jülich)
Francesco Guala (University of Milan)
Marco Tamietto (University of Turin, University of Tilburg, University of Oxford)
Important dates
Submission deadline EXTENDED: March 8th, 2019 (before midnight)Conference dates: May 22nd – 24th
For information please contact:
Authors should submit their proposals through EasyChair:
Paper presentations will be 35 minutes long including discussion. Abstracts should be written in English and should not exceed 500 words including references.The Conference Committee reserves the right to offer poster presentations instead of full paper presentations for some of the abstracts, in light of the reviews’ considerations.
Symposium proposals should be no longer than 1500 words (including references). Every proposal should include: title, names, affiliations, contact details of the organizers and speakers, and a short explanation of the symposium’s aim.
The conference registration fee is 30€. Please register before May 13th, 2019, using the registration form that can be downloaded from the conference website ( The conference dinner will cost 35€.Please notice that in order to attend the conference, it is also mandatory to register as members of AISC ( However, reduced fees apply to those who attend the conference: 30€ for non-faculties, 70€ for faculties.
Scientific Committee
Gustavo Cevolani (chair, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca)Emiliano Ricciardi (co-chair, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca)
Ennio Bilancini (co-chair, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca)
Gabriella Airenti (University of Turin)
Cristina Amoretti (University of Genoa)
Giulia Andrighetto (ISTC-CNR, Rome)
Pierluigi Barrotta (University of Pisa)
Francesco Bianchini (University of Bologna)
Fabrizio Calzavarini (University of Turin)
Raffaella Campaner (University of Bologna)
Marco Cruciani (University of Trento)
Vincenzo Crupi (University of Turin)
Luisa Damiano (University of Messina)
Edoardo Datteri (University of Milan Bicocca)
Francesca D’Errico (University of Roma Tre)
Filippo Domaneschi (University of Genoa)
Mario De Caro (University of Roma Tre)
Francesco Gagliardi (Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences)
Mirko Garasic (UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights)
Alessandro Innocenti (University of Siena)
Andrea Lavazza (Centro Universitario Internazionale, Arezzo, Italy)
Antonio Lieto (University of Turin)
Nicola Lattanzi (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca)
Matteo Motterlini (University of Milan San Raffaele)
Fabio Paglieri (ISTC-CNR, Rome)
Pietro Pietrini (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca)
Alessandra Rampinini (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca)
Massimo Riccaboni (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca)
Raffaella Rumiati (SISSA Trieste)
Giacomo Sillari (LUISS Rome)
Corrado Sinigaglia (University of Milan)
Guglielmo Tamburrini (University of Naples)
Riccardo Viale (University of Milano Bicocca, LUISS Rome)
Marco Viola (University of Turin)
Organizing Committee
Gustavo Cevolani (chair, IMT Lucca)Ennio Bilancini (co-chair, IMT Lucca)
Emiliano Ricciardi (co-chair, IMT Lucca)
Fabrizio Calzavarini (Turin)
Marco Viola (Turin)
AISC 2018
15th Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Cognitive Science
The new era of Artificial Intelligence: a cognitive perspective
December 17-19, 2018
IUSS, P.zza Vittoria 15, Pavia
Big data, machine learning, AI algorithms are intensely disputed and acclaimed nowadays. Currently we are assisting to growing investments in computational models simulating neurocognitive functions (e.g. the Human Brain Project) and this trend will probably be enhanced in the near future (Communication Artificial Intelligence for Europe, 25 April 2018) especially in the fields of Machine Learning and Robotics.
What is the role of Cognitive Science in this debate?
The AISC Conference 2018 will focus on this topic, (re)discussing the new idea of AI (as compared to the one historically proposed by McCarthy, Minsky, Brooks, Lenat, Rumelhart and McClelland among others) bringing into discussion ideas from Neurocognition, Epistemology and formal Linguistics among other relevant Cognitive Science sub-fields.
Topics of Interests
Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:- 4E cognition
- artificial intelligence and cognition
- cognition and simulation
- cognitive architecture
- cognitive modeling
- cognitive neurosciences
- cognitive ontology
- cognitive psychology
- cognitive robotics
- computational linguistics
- embodied and grounded cognition
- epistemology
- ethics of AI and roboethics
- formal linguistics
- history of cognitive science
- logic and argumentation
- natural and artificial consciousness
- neuroethics
- neurolinguistics
- philosophy of cognitive science
- philosophy of mind and cognition
- philosophy of neuroscience
- psycholinguistics
- social cognition
- theory of syntax
Prof. Roberto Zamparelli (Università degli Studi di Trento)Prof. Alfredo Paternoster (University of Bergamo)
Prof. Rita Manzini (University of Florence)
Prof. Marcello Massimini (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Prof. Silvestro Micera (Scuola superiore Sant’Anna Pisa)
Prof. Gabriella Vigliocco (UCL)
Prof. Charles Yang (University of Pennsylvania)
Conference Programme
Authors should submit through EasyChair:
Paper presentations will be 30 minutes long including discussion. Abstracts may be written in English or Italian, and they should not exceed 500 words including references.The Conference Committee reserves the right to offer poster presentations instead of full paper presentations for some of the abstracts, in light of the reviews’ results.
We are planning to publish a selection of the papers accepted and presented in an edited volume or in a special issue of a journal.
Symposium proposals should be submitted via EasyChair and should be no longer than 1500 words (including references). Every proposal should include: title, names, affiliations and contact details of the organizers and speakers, and a short explanation of the symposium aim.
Submission deadline (EXTENDED): September 24, 2018Accept/reject date notification: October 15, 2018
Conference dates: December 17-19, 2018
For information please write to
Conference registration information:
IMPORTANT! Proof of registration must be sent to the conference organizers asap (, in order to complete the registration process. Sending such proof only to the AISC Treasurer or Secretary is not sufficient to register.
Conference dinner is scheduled on
Tuesday 18th December 2018.
Reservation is strongly recommended.
Local Committee
Michele Di FrancescoAndrea Moro
Giulia Piredda
Alfredo Tomasetta
Paolo Canal
Eleonora Catricalà
Cristiano Chesi
AISC 2018 Midterm Conference
25-27 June 2018 – Genova, Italy
The Midterm AISC Conference 2018 (Genova, June 25-27) is focused on how different levels of cognition are identified, examined, and related one to the other. The concept of level, which is widespread both in psychological and biological sciences, is also pivotal for cognitive science. It is generally assumed that living beings are characterized by a hierarchy of distinct levels, such as the atomic, the molecular, the cellular, the neural, the psychological, or the social levels. But what levels should be considered to better understand cognition? What is the relationship between all those levels? Are they just mere levels of analysis, or rather levels of the organization of reality, describing the real structure of cognitive systems? Are levels a necessary theoretical instrument, or rather a confounding metaphor? Does mechanistic explanation, which is widespread in cognitive sciences, make any sense without the distinction among levels? Can the notion of level be grounded into mechanistic explanation?
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- embodied and grounded cognition
- 4E cognition
- cognitive psychology
- social cognition
- cognitive robotics
- cognitive architecture
- cognitive modeling
- artificial intelligence and cognition
- cognitive neurosciences
- language and cognition
- language representation and comprehension
- cognition and simulation
- cognitive linguistics
- philosophy of cognitive science
- philosophy of neuroscience
- history of cognitive science
- philosophy of mind and cognition
- cognitive ontology
- epistemology and cognitive sciencev
Cristina Becchio (University of Turin)William Bechtel (University of California, San Diego)
Giuseppe Boccignone (University of Milan)
Laila Craighero (University of Ferrara)
Tobias Schlicht (Ruhr University, Bochum)
We invite submissions for paper presentations and symposia.
Papers: Paper presentations will be allowed 30 minutes including discussion. Abstracts may be written in English or Italian, and they should not exceed 500 words including references. Authors should submit through EasyChair at the following link:
The Conference Committee reserves the right to offer poster presentations instead of full paper presentations for some of the abstracts, in light of the reviews’ results.
We are planning to publish a selection of the papers accepted and presented in an edited volume or in a special issue of a journal.
Symposia: Symposium proposals should be submitted via Easychair and should be no longer than 1500 words (including references). Every proposal should include: title, names, affiliations and contact details of the organizers and speakers, and a short explanation of the symposium aim. Organizers should submit through EasyChair at the following link:
Submission deadline: March 30, 2018Accept/reject date notification: April 15, 2018
Conference dates: June 25-27, 2018
For information please write to:
Program Committee
Cristina Amoretti (chair), University of GenoaFilippo Domaneschi (co-chair), University of Genoa
Fabio Paglieri, ISTC-CNR, Rome
Gabriella Airenti, University of Turin
Francesco Bianchini, University of Bologna
Marco Cruciani, University of Trento
Vincenzo Crupi, University of Turin
Marcello Frixione, University of Genoa
Francesco Gagliardi, Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences
Mattia Gallotti, London School of Economics
Alberto Greco, University of Genoa
Antonio Lieto, University of Turin
Carlo Penco, University of Genoa
Pietro Perconti, University of Messina
Marco Elio Tabacchi, University of Palermo
Local Committee
Cristina Amoretti, DAFIST, University of GenoaFilippo Domaneschi, DISFOR, University of Genoa
Marcello Frixione, DAFIST, University of Genoa
Antonio Lieto, University of Turin
AISC 2017
14th Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Cognitive Science
The Science of Cognition: Brain, Body, Language, and Technologies
Bologna - December 14-16, 2017
The AISC Conference 2017 (Bologna, December 14-16) is aimed to highlight how cognition is not strictly constrained within brain boundaries, but rather influenced by bodily processes, like perception and action, language production and comprehension. Cognitive science is the scientific field interested in studying cognition from this perspective as well as many others. Cognitive science is also central to robotics and artificial intelligence, as well as to neuroscience, and its identity is continuously being redefined to face new challenges. Given this wide range of interests, the science of cognition has always been a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary field, and now it is increasingly the case. This raises several issues and challenges, from a theoretical, epistemological, practical and applied point of view.
Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
- embodied and grounded cognition
- 4E cognition
- cognitive psychology
- social cognition
- cognitive robotics
- cognitive architecture
- cognitive modeling
- artificial intelligence and cognition
- cognitive neurosciences
- language and cognition
- language representation and comprehension
- cognition and simulation
- cognitive linguistics
- philosophy of cognitive science
- philosophy of neuroscience
- history of cognitive science
- philosophy of mind and cognition
- cognitive ontology
- epistemology and cognitive science
Confirmed invited speakers
Lawrence Barsalou (University of Glasgow)Edoardo Datteri (University of Milano-Bicocca)
Barbara Mazzolai (Italian Institute of Technology – IIT, Pisa)
Hugo Mercier (CNRS – Institut des Sciences Cognitives Marc Jeannerod)
Walter Quattrociocchi (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
Yulia Sandamirskaya (University of Zurich and ETH Zurich)
Carlo Umiltà (University of Padua)
We invite submissions for paper presentations and symposia.
Papers: Paper presentations will be allowed 30 minutes including discussion. Abstracts may be written in English or Italian, and they should not exceed 500 words including references. Authors should submit through EasyChair at the following link:
The Conference Committee reserves the right to offer poster presentations instead of full paper presentations for some of the abstracts, in light of the reviews’ results.
We are planning to publish a selection of the papers accepted and presented in an edited volume or in a special issue of a journal.
Symposia: Symposium proposals should be submitted via Easychair and should be no longer than 1500 words (including references). Every proposal should include: title, names, affiliations and contact details of the organizers and speakers, and a short explanation of the symposium aim.
Important dates
Submission deadline (EXTENDED): September 17, 2017Accept/reject date notification: October 15, 2017
Conference dates: December 14-16, 2017
For information please write to
Conference registration information: dinner is scheduled on Friday 15th December 2017. For details, please contact Francesco Ellia ( Reservation is recommended.
Scientific Committee
Francesco Bianchini (University of Bologna) Chair of the scientific committeeElisabetta Lalumera (University of Milano-Bicocca) Co-Chair of the scientific committee
Gabriella Airenti (University of Turin)
Cristina Amoretti (University of Genoa)
Anna Borghi (Sapienza University of Rome; ISTC-CNR, Rome)
Marianna Bolognesi (University of Amsterdam)
Claudia Casadio (University of Chieti-Pescara)
Raffaella Campaner (University of Bologna)
Gustavo Cevolani (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca)
Matteo Cerri (University of Bologna)
Marco Cruciani (University of Trento)
Vincenzo Crupi (University of Turin)
Luisa Damiano (University of Messina)
Filippo Domaneschi (University of Genoa)
Marcello Frixione (University of Genoa)
Francesco Gagliardi (Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences, Rome)
Mattia Gallotti (School of Advanced Study, University of London)
Paolo Leonardi (University of Bologna)
Antonio Lieto (University of Turin)
Luisa Lugli (University of Bologna)
Sebastiano Moruzzi (University of Bologna)
Roberto Nicoletti (University of Bologna)
Fabio Paglieri (ISTC-CNR, Rome)
Claudio Paolucci (University of Bologna)
Pietro Perconti (University of Messina)
Marco Elio Tabacchi (University of Palermo)
Guglielmo Tamburrini (University of Naples Federico II)
Organizing Committee
Claudia Mazzuca (chair of the organizing committee)Marta Caravà
Francesco Ellia
Alessandro Kassapidis
Federico Roccanova
Federica Rossi
Caterina Villani
AISC 2018 Midterm Conference
25-27 June 2018 – Genova, Italy
The Midterm AISC Conference 2018 (Genova, June 25-27) is focused on how different levels of cognition are identified, examined, and related one to the other. The concept of level, which is widespread both in psychological and biological sciences, is also pivotal for cognitive science. It is generally assumed that living beings are characterized by a hierarchy of distinct levels, such as the atomic, the molecular, the cellular, the neural, the psychological, or the social levels. But what levels should be considered to better understand cognition? What is the relationship between all those levels? Are they just mere levels of analysis, or rather levels of the organization of reality, describing the real structure of cognitive systems? Are levels a necessary theoretical instrument, or rather a confounding metaphor? Does mechanistic explanation, which is widespread in cognitive sciences, make any sense without the distinction among levels? Can the notion of level be grounded into mechanistic explanation?
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- embodied and grounded cognition
- 4E cognition
- cognitive psychology
- social cognition
- cognitive robotics
- cognitive architecture
- cognitive modeling
- artificial intelligence and cognition
- cognitive neurosciences
- language and cognition
- language representation and comprehension
- cognition and simulation
- cognitive linguistics
- philosophy of cognitive science
- philosophy of neuroscience
- history of cognitive science
- philosophy of mind and cognition
- cognitive ontology
- epistemology and cognitive sciencev
Cristina Becchio (University of Turin)William Bechtel (University of California, San Diego)
Giuseppe Boccignone (University of Milan)
Laila Craighero (University of Ferrara)
Tobias Schlicht (Ruhr University, Bochum)
We invite submissions for paper presentations and symposia.
Papers: Paper presentations will be allowed 30 minutes including discussion. Abstracts may be written in English or Italian, and they should not exceed 500 words including references. Authors should submit through EasyChair at the following link:
The Conference Committee reserves the right to offer poster presentations instead of full paper presentations for some of the abstracts, in light of the reviews’ results.
We are planning to publish a selection of the papers accepted and presented in an edited volume or in a special issue of a journal.
Symposia: Symposium proposals should be submitted via Easychair and should be no longer than 1500 words (including references). Every proposal should include: title, names, affiliations and contact details of the organizers and speakers, and a short explanation of the symposium aim. Organizers should submit through EasyChair at the following link:
Submission deadline: March 30, 2018Accept/reject date notification: April 15, 2018
Conference dates: June 25-27, 2018
For information please write to:
Program Committee
Cristina Amoretti (chair), University of GenoaFilippo Domaneschi (co-chair), University of Genoa
Fabio Paglieri, ISTC-CNR, Rome
Gabriella Airenti, University of Turin
Francesco Bianchini, University of Bologna
Marco Cruciani, University of Trento
Vincenzo Crupi, University of Turin
Marcello Frixione, University of Genoa
Francesco Gagliardi, Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences
Mattia Gallotti, London School of Economics
Alberto Greco, University of Genoa
Antonio Lieto, University of Turin
Carlo Penco, University of Genoa
Pietro Perconti, University of Messina
Marco Elio Tabacchi, University of Palermo
Local Committee
Cristina Amoretti, DAFIST, University of GenoaFilippo Domaneschi, DISFOR, University of Genoa
Marcello Frixione, DAFIST, University of Genoa
Antonio Lieto, University of Turin
First Graduate Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Science
Natural &/or Artificial Minds
Online - September, 13th (late afternoon) & 14th (morning)
Final programme available for download in PDF
Since its early days, cognitive science has been characterized by analogies between the human and other minds, be them (non-human) biological or artificial. The consideration of non-human minds has played, and still plays, its role in many ways. Non-human minds can be inspiring metaphors; they can work as theoretical or empirical models; they can be used to simulate the human mind; and even those who minimize their similarity with human minds are somehow exploiting one of their functions, albeit a negative one, as sources of potentially informative disanalogies.
In this workshop, we seek to hear the perspective of younger scholars from the disciplines of cognitive science (broadly construed), and to provide them with constructive feedback on their research. PhD students and early career researchers (up to 3 years from completion of their PhD) are welcome to present their work, which will be discussed with a senior discussant and with the audience.
Authors willing to apply shall send a long abstract (max 1000 words, anonymized PDF) to by July 11th, 2021 (EXTENDED). The scientific committee will assess manuscripts based on their clarity, originality, methodological soundness and relevance to cognitive science.
Overlap with the target topic of the conference (natural/artificial minds) is encouraged, but not mandatory. Each submission selected will then be sent to a senior member of the Italian Cognitive Science Association with relevant expertise serving as a discussant. Accepted authors will be invited (though not compelled) to send a full manuscript to the discussant at least 1 week before the conference to facilitate her/his work.
Invited Speakers
Maithilee Kunda (Vanderbilt University)Colin Klein (Australian National University)
Organizing Committee
Marco Viola (University of Turin, co-chair)Francesco Ellia (University of Bologna, co-chair)
Stefania Moretti (University of Genoa)
Carlo Debernardi (University of Milan)
Marco Marini (University of Rome La Sapienza)
Alessandro Ansani (Roma Tre University)
Scientific Committee
Cristina Amoretti (University of Genoa)Giulia Andrighetto (ISTC-CNR Rome)
Vincenzo Crupi (University of Turin)
Francesco Bianchini (University of Bologna)
Filippo Domaneschi (University of Genoa)
Francesco Gagliardi (Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences)
Antonio Lieto (University of Turin)
Stefania Moretti (University of Genoa)
Alessio Plebe (University of Messina)
Stefania Pighin (University of Trento)
Marco Viola (University of Turin)
Francesco Ferretti (Roma Tre University)
AISC seminar 2020
Teoria della mente, robotica e disturbo dello spettro autistico.
Diagnosi, spiegazione e intervento
Piattaforma Webex - 11 Dicembre 2020, 14:30 – 18:00
Siete tutti invitati al quinto seminario del ciclo “Modelli della Mente. Fondamenti concettuali e metodologici”, organizzato da AISC – Associazione Italiana di Scienze Cognitive, RobotiCSS Lab, Associazione Yunik aps, Progetto Horizon 2020 Communities for Science (C4S).
La ricerca sulle applicazioni della robotica per la comprensione e per il potenziamento delle abilità cognitive delle persone nello spettro
autistico è ampia e multidisciplinare. Nei suoi aspetti teorici e sperimentali, essa coinvolge una fruttuosa interazione tra laboratori universitari, centri di ricerca, associazioni e cooperative che operano sul territorio, istituti scolastici, istituzioni. Il seminario presenterà alcune recenti ricerche di respiro internazionale, stimolando la discussione tra accademia e mondo delle professioni sanitarie e socio-educative. Il convegno è rivolto soprattutto a studentesse e studenti, ricercatrici e ricercatori di area filosofica, psicologica e pedagogica, educatrici/educatori professionali, insegnanti, pedagogisti, operatrici/operatori psico-pedagogici.
Sito convegno e programma:
La partecipazione è libera e gratuita. Per partecipare occorre però compilare il modulo di registrazione:
Il giorno stesso dell’evento, il collegamento al seminario sarà diffuso via e-mail a tutti i partecipanti. Si suggerisce di effettuare il collegamento alle 14:15 per avere il tempo di affrontare eventuali problemi di connessione. Per qualsiasi richiesta di informazione, contattare
Premio Vittorio Girotto per il Best Paper AISC
Il premio Vittorio Girotto per il Best Paper AISC premia il miglior contributo presentato alla conferenza annuale dell’Associazione Italiana di Scienze Cognitive. Le prime edizioni del premio si sono tenute, rispettivamente, nel 2008 e nel 2010. Dal 2013 il premio si tiene ogni anno ed è sponsorizzato dalla casa editrice Il Mulino e dalla rivista Sistemi Intelligenti (Il Mulino); dal 2016 il premio è dedicato alla memoria di Vittorio Girotto (1957-2016), pioniere delle scienze cognitive. Nella sua forma attuale, il premio prevede una doppia selezione: al termine della conferenza annuale, il Comitato Direttivo dell’AISC identifica un numero di lavori (di norma fra 5 e 8) da candidare alla fase finale, sulla base delle valutazioni degli abstract e delle presentazioni fatte al convegno; poi una giuria dedicata viene nominata dal Comitato Direttivo di Sistemi Intelligenti e si prende cura della valutazione degli articoli completi. La classifica finale e il contributo vincitore vengono annunciati durante il successivo convegno annuale dell’AISC: il vincitore riceve in premio un buono del valore di 300 euro per acquisti di libri pubblicati da Il Mulino e la pubblicazione con menzione d’onore sulla rivista Sistemi Intelligenti. A discrezione della giuria, anche gli altri contributi finalisti vengono pubblicati sulla rivista, se ritenuti di qualità sufficiente.
Vincitori e finalisti edizioni passate
Edizione 2022
- Vincitore: Giulio Pisaneschi & Edoardo Datteri. "L’interazione tra umani e robot come gioco di finzione"
- 2° classificato: Davide Coraci, Igor Douven & Gustavo Cevolani. "Inferenza e spiegazione nelle neuroscienze cognitive"
- 3° classificato (ex aequo): Eugenio Petrovich & Marco Viola. "Dalla filosofia alle neuroscienze (passando per la psicologia?). Una prospettiva scientometrica"
- 3° classificato (ex aequo): Francesca Rodio, Marco Petilli, Daniele Gatti, Luca Rinaldi & Marco Marelli. "Predire falsi ricordi con una rete neurale convoluzionale: l’effetto della somiglianza visiva in un paradigma DRM con stimoli visivi"
- 4° classificato: Alessia Santoni, Luca Ronconi, Laura Franchin & David Melcher. "Prospettive teoriche e cliniche sulla natura ritmica della percezione visiva"
- 5° classificato: Stefania Moretti, Ilaria Martini & Alessandra Civani. "Il linguaggio del corpo tra natura e cultura: un approccio interdisciplinare al caso dei gesti del “sì” e del “no"
Edizione 2021
- 2° classificato: Martina Fanghella, Camilla Colombo, Maria Teresa Pascarelli, Francesco Guala & Corrado Sinigaglia / IL RUOLO DELL’INFORMAZIONE MOTORIA E DEL RAGIONAMENTO STRATEGICO NELLA COORDINAZIONE INTERPERSONALE
- 3° classificato (ex aequo): Alessandro Bogani, Katya Tentori, Donatella Ferrante & Stefania Pighin / LA FUNZIONE DEL PENSIERO CONTROFATTUALE: STATO DELL’ARTE E PROSPETTIVE
- 3° classificato (ex aequo): Giacomo Zanotti / TRA METAFISICA E NEUROSCIENZE DELLA COSCIENZA
Edizione 2019
- 2° classificato: Gabriele Ferretti & Silvano Zipoli Caiani / CONOSCENZA E ABILITÀ: SUI FORMATI DELLE RAPPRESENTAZIONI IN AZIONE
- 3° classificato: Fabrizio Calzavarini & Alberto Voltolini / LA COMPETENZA PITTORICA È SOVRAMODALE?
- 4° classificato: Federica Somma, Antonietta Argiuolo, Antonio Cerrato, Michela Ponticorvo, Laura Mandolesi, Orazio Miglino, Paolo Bartolomeo & Onofrio Gigliotta / VALUTAZIONE DELLO PSEUDONEGLECT MEDIANTE STRUMENTI TANGIBILI E DIGITALI
- 6° classificato (ex aequo): Marco Marino, Maria Teresa Medaglia, Quanying Liu, Dante Mantini & Camillo Porcaro / TEST DI ROBUSTEZZA DELLA DIMENSIONE FRATTALE NEL DIFFERENZIARE LE RETI CEREBRALI COGNITIVE SUPERIORI (HCFNS) E PERCETTIVE (PNS)
- 7° classificato: Ines Adornetti, Alessandra Chiera, Valentina Deriu, Daniela Altavilla & Francesco Ferretti / L’ELABORAZIONE DELLE STORIE NEL DISTURBO DELLO SPETTRO AUTISTICO: IL CASO DELLE NARRAZIONI VISIVE
- 8° classificato: Federico Cassioli, Giulia Fronda & Michela Balconi / APP ADVERTISING: UN APPROCCIO NEUROSCIENTIFICO
Edizione 2018
- 4° classificato: Elisa Gambetti, Riccardo Buscaroli, Federico Chesani, Fiorella Giusberti, Paola Mello & Daniela Loreti / INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE E PSICOLOGIA COGNITIVA A CONFRONTO NELLA SOLUZIONE DI GIOCHI MATEMATICI
- 5° classificato: Sara Dellantonio, Luigi Pastore & Claudio Mulatti / CREDENZE PARANORMALI: UN’IPOTESI COGNITIVA
Edizione 2017
- Vincitore: Gabriele Ferretti & Marco Viola / FILOSOFIA E NEUROSCIENZE: ANDATA E RITORNO
- 2° classificato: Caterina Villani, Luisa Lugli, Marco Tullio Liuzza & Anna M. Borghi / LE SOTTO-CATEGORIE DEI CONCETTI ASTRATTI: UNO STUDIO EMPIRICO
- 3° classificato: Antonio Cerrato, Michela Ponticorvo, Onofrio Gigliotta, Paolo Bartolomeo & Orazio Miglino / BTT-SCAN: UNO STRUMENTO PER LA VALUTAZIONE DELLA NEGLIGENZA SPAZIALE UNILATERALE
Edizione 2016
- Vincitore: Cristiano Chesi e Andrea Moro. “Il divario (apparente) tra gerarchia e tempo.”
- 2° classificato: Stefania Moretti e Alberto Greco. “Scegliere con la testa: effetti di embodiment nell’espressione di preferenze.”
- 3° classificato (ex aequo): Fabrizio Calzavarini. “La distinzione tra competenza inferenziale e referenziale: aspetti critici e nuove linee di ricerca.”
- 3° classificato (ex aequo): Azzurra Mancuso e Alessandro Laudanna. “Lessico mentale bilingue: rappresentazioni lessicali cross-linguistiche tra italiano e inglese.”
- 4° classificato (ex aequo): Maria Bianca Amadeo, Marzia Schinello, Marcella Caglio, Giuliano Carlo Geminiani e Katiuscia Sacco. “Training di navigazione spaziale in ambienti di realtà virtuale: uno studio pilota di risonanza magnetica su partecipanti sani.”
- 4° classificato (ex aequo): Jessica Podda, Caterina Ansuini, Francesca Maria Battaglia, Andrea Cavallo, Maria Pintaudi, Marco Jacono, Martina Semino, Eugenia Dufour, Edvige Veneselli e Cristina Becchio. “Studio di cinematica sull’effetto di comfort dello stato finale: il caso del Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico.”
Edizione 2015
- Vincitore (ex aequo): Francesca Giardini, Andrea Guazzini, Mirko Duradoni, Mario Paolucci, Lucia Brigida, Daniele Vilone e Franco Bagnoli. “Incentivi reputazionali alla cooperazione in un gioco competitivo tra adolescenti: uno studio sperimentale.”
- Vincitore (ex aequo): Elia Zanin e Marco Viola. “L’area di Broca: un genere (in)naturale?”
- 2° classificato: Claudio Masolo e Daniele Porello. “Una semantica cognitiva per linguaggi predicativi.”
- 3° classificato: Alessandro Sapienza, Rino Falcone e Cristiano Castelfranchi. “Categorie di agenti: una chiave per selezionare in mondi di sconosciuti.”
- 4° classificato: Olimpia G. Loddo. “Assegnare funzioni: agentività e normatività.”
Edizione 2014
- Vincitore: Marilina Mastrogiuseppe, Olga Capirci, Simone Cuva e Paola Venuti. “I gesti deittici nei bambini con disturbi dello spettro autistico: un’analisi quantitativa e qualitativa all’interno di interazioni spontanee madre-bambino.”
- 2° classificato: Giulia Andrighetto, Francesca Giardini, Mario Paolucci, Antonella Prisco, Daniela Renzi e Sara Azadi. “Bell’esempio! Esperienza partecipativa e studio sperimentale sull’autonomia normativa dei bambini attraverso le multe morali.”
- 3° classificato (ex aequo): Marco Fasoli e Massimiliano Carrara. “Classificare gli artefatti cognitivi: una proposta.”
- 3° classificato (ex aequo): Valentina Truppa, Giovanna Spinozzi, Tiziana Laganà, Eva Piano Mortari e Gloria Sabbatini. “Flessibilità nell’uso delle prese di forza nei cebi dai cornetti (Sapajus spp.), dallo studio della manipolazione degli oggetti al legame tra cognizione e azione.”
- 4° classificato: Mario D’Ambrosio, Fabrizio Bracco e Francesco Benso. “Misurazioni di fluenza in persone con balbuzie in doppi compiti complessi automatizzati e non automatizzati.”
- 5° classificato: Francesco Gagliardi. “La concettualizzazione dell’antimateria tra permeabilità cognitiva, categorizzazione embodied e theory-based.”
Edizione 2013
- Vincitore: Vivian M. De La Cruz, Alessandro Di Nuovo e Santo Di Nuovo. “Dita e parole per contare: come un robot cognitivo tira le somme.”
- 2° classificato: Silvia Albertini, Marco Tettamanti e Andrea Moro. “Sintassi e working memory: un nuovo paradigma di valutazione.”
- 3° classificato (ex aequo): Francesca Capozzi, Maurizio Tirassa e Cristina Becchio. “Oltre la diade: la cognizione sociale dal laboratorio alle organizzazioni.”
- 3° classificato (ex aequo): Francesco Ianì e Monica Bucciarelli. “Quando i gesti accompagnano le parole: un resoconto delle false memorie basato sui modelli mentali.”
Edizione 2010
- Vincitore: Marco Cruciani. “Processi inferenziali e livello vero-condizionale nella comunicazione esplicita.”
Edizione 2008
- Vincitore (ex aequo): Francesco Gagliardi. “La categorizzazione tra psicologia cognitiva e machine learning: perché è necessario un approccio interdisciplinare.”
- Vincitore (ex aequo): Daniele Porello. “Dimensioni di voto e coerenza.”
Al fine di promuovere l’attività e la ricerca delle giovani ricercatrici e dei giovani ricercatori della comunità italiana delle scienze cognitive, l’AISC istituisce il “Premio giovane ricercatrice/ricercatore AISC”.
- Il premio ha ricorrenza annuale.
- Ogni anno il premio è intitolato a un diverso esponente di rilievo della comunità italiana delle scienze cognitive.
- Il premio è assegnato sulla base dei meriti scientifici della ricercatrice o del ricercatore.
- Le candidate e i candidati devono avere ottenuto il loro PhD da non più di 7 anni a decorrere dalla scadenza del presente bando.
- Per partecipare al premio, la ricercatrice o il ricercatore deve essere candidato da una socia o da un socio dell’AISC attraverso una breve lettera di presentazione (massimo 2 pagine) indicante le principali motivazioni della candidatura. Alla lettera deve essere allegato anche il CV della candidata o del candidato. Non si accettano autocandidature.
- Le candidature sono valutate dal Consiglio Direttivo dell’AISC, che può eventualmente avvalersi del parere di esperte/i esterne/i, sulla base della lettera di presentazione e del CV.
- La vincitrice o il vincitore partecipa come keynote speaker al primo convegno AISC utile ricevendo il rimborso delle spese di viaggio e alloggio (fino a un massimo di 350 euro).
I vincitori delle passate edizioni
- Quarta edizione 2024 (intitolata a Orazio Miglino)
Premio assegnato a Claudia Mazzuca - Terza edizione 2023 (intitolata a Rosaria Conte)
Premio assegnato a Marco Viola - Seconda edizione 2022 (intitolata a Roberto Cordeschi)
Premio assegnato a Fabrizio Calzavarini - Prima edizione 2021 (intitolata a Domenico Parisi)
Premio assegnato a Francesca De Petrillo
A partire dal 2022, la Fondazione Marica De Vincenzi ha istituito il premio “Maria Miceli”, a cadenza annuale e del valore di 1000 euro, aperto a tutti i contributi presentati al convegno AIP da socie e soci (ordinari e affiliati) di qualunque Sezione e/o al convegno annuale dell’Associazione Italiana di Scienze Cognitive (AISC) da soci AISC, dedicati alle tematiche che hanno caratterizzato l’attività di ricerca di Maria, a cui il premio è intitolato: psicologia delle emozioni, interazione sociale, anticipazione, valori.
Il contributo vincitore, oltre a ricevere il premio offerto dalla Fondazione, verrà pubblicato con menzione speciale su "Sistemi Intelligenti".
Maria Miceli
Maria Miceli è stata professoressa di psicologa sociale con una formazione filosofica e ricercatore presso l’ISTC-CNR. Ha realizzato una significativa attività di ricerca sulla relazione tra il dominio cognitivo e quello emotivo e motivazionale. Condivideva con il suo principale collaboratore Cristiano Castelfranchi una impostazione cognitiva di tipo computazionale in cui si indagavano gli stati mentali riconducendoli a scopi e credenze. Al tempo stesso, e forse in questo consisteva il suo contributo distinto rispetto a Castelfranchi (dal quale non era sempre facilmente distinguibile, tanto elevato era il loro affiatamento), Miceli nutriva interesse per gli aspetti emotivi e motivazionali meno riconducibili all’aspetto cognitivo o, almeno, alla cognizione come valutazione realistica degli ostacoli dell’ambiente esterno e dei limiti delle proprie capacità. Vi è, scriveva Miceli, un’altra cognizione che non valuta ostacoli esterni e limiti personali ma rappresenta le aspirazioni, le ambizioni e i valori dell’individuo.
Vincitori e finalisti edizioni passate
Edizione 2022
- 2° classificato: Erika Sampaolo, Giada Lettieri, Giacomo Handjaras, Chiara Fabbro & Luca Cecchetti, ANALISI DELL’ASSOCIAZIONE TRA GENERI CINEMATOGRAFICI E RESOCONTI IN TEMPO REALE DELL’ESPERIENZA EMOTIVA
- 3° classificato: Andrea Bobbio, Luigina Canova, Angela Benincà, Fabio Benatti & Anna Maria Manganelli, SPRECARE IL CIBO. IL RUOLO DELLE ABITUDINI E DELLE EMOZIONI NELLA TEORIA DEL COMPORTAMENTO PIANIFICATO
- 5° classificato: Mara Morelli, Federica Graziano, Antonio Chirumbolo, Emiddia Longobardi & Elena Cattelino, SEXTING IN ADOLESCENZA: PROFILI DI INTELLIGENZA EMOTIVA DI SEXTERS E NON SEXTERS
- 7° classificato: Alberto Sardella, Christian Franceschini & Vittorio Lenzo, CRESCITA POST-TRAUMATICA E SOLITUDINE NEI GIOVANI ADULTI DURANTE LA PANDEMIA DA COVID-19